

Why was the Pythagorean theorem discovered?

Why was the Pythagorean theorem discovered?

The Egyptians wanted a perfect 90-degree angle to build the pyramids which were actually two right-angle triangle whose hypotenuse forms the edges of the pyramids. There are some clues that the Chinese had also developed the Pythagoras theorem using the areas of the sides long before Pythagoras himself.

Where did the Pythagorean theorem come from?

The Pythagorean theorem was first known in ancient Babylon and Egypt (beginning about 1900 B.C.). The relationship was shown on a 4000 year old Babylonian tablet now known as Plimpton 322. However, the relationship was not widely publicized until Pythagoras stated it explicitly.

Who first proved Pythagoras Theorem?


How did Pythagoras prove Pythagorean Theorem?

Explanation: The legend tells that Pythagoras was looking at the square tiles of Samos’ palace, waiting to be received by Polycrates, when he noticed that if one divides diagonally one of those squares, it turns out that the two halves are right triangles (whose area is half the area of the tile).

Why are right triangles so important?

Right triangles are very useful in geometry and for finding the areas of polygons. The most important relationship for right triangles is the Pythagorean Theorem. Besides, the field of trigonometry arises from the study of right triangles, and nearly all trigonometric identities can be deduced from them.

How do you determine the shortest side of the triangle?

The shortest side is always opposite the smallest interior angle. The longest side is always opposite the largest interior angle.

What type of triangles does the Pythagorean theorem apply to?

The converse of the Pythagorean theorem is a rule that is used to classify triangles as either right triangle, acute triangle, or obtuse triangle. Given the Pythagorean Theorem, a2 + b2 = c2, then: For an acute triangle, c2< a2 + b2, where c is the side opposite the acute angle.