

Marisol Touraine is elected…

Marisol Touraine est élue…

This is the return ! This is the return ! And who are we gonna talk about for the new year ? Our Minister of Health, Ms. Marisol Touraine !

Then I see you behind your screens you say : – But are you expecting him to do some advertising to speak of it ! – But forget it ! – That is what she still has (not) done ? Well, it is true, you might believe a certain relentlessness on my part but no way. Because for a start, it is our Minister anyway, so our “chief ” to us, kind caregivers. And that the news of recent weeks has not been rosy in the world of nursing as it has been other suicides in the community. And so ? Bah she has still said nothing, once again. Except, this time, with the growing number this summer of suicide among nurses, the press is still melee.

The press discovers our little world…

At the same time, they have discovered that it could be suicide to the hospital which was a little disturbed and that this was not the first time. So you know the press, they are still a misguided policy, and will naturally see the main stakeholders in the government. In the present instance for us, they head to Ms. Touraine. AND SURPRISE ! It does not react ! They are looking a bit everywhere, wonder and end up falling on articles published on sites of health and blogs which are run by nurses, caregivers and doctors who complain that, in fact… She never reacts. And there, they decide to use it, and to inform the public that the white lab coats want answers from the Minister. Good passing, they swept away our poor colleagues who have committed suicide and speak of it more in the future.

Marisol Touraine est élue…

Madam Minister, you are elected as a dunceís cap of the season with a zero pointed !

So this time, the world of white coats has been more virulent, and I had some fun making a survey among the community health care… well look no, they are all agree to say that it is bad. Strongly 2017 some might say.

Not because if her balance sheet, she would never speak of our colleagues who have committed suicide. It seems that in a hallway, she would have said to justify that she does not like to mention names on Twitter. Quite commendable, but… We no longer ! What you request is to say the word “NURSE ” and “NURSE ” instead of your saying-prevention campaign on psycho-social risks that exist well in advance of your appointment to this position, and especially to the place of your tweets on the heat wave, on the Pokémon (if, if…), and on the death of Sonia Rykiel. Ah hah, you see that in fact you can mention a name. When you see your last tweet : “This morning in Saône-et-Loire to talk about access to health care with my friend

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