

How can limiting factors affect a population?

How can limiting factors affect a population?

Limiting factors can lower birth rates, increase death rates, or lead to emigration. When organisms face limiting factors, they show logistic growth (S-shaped curve, curve B: Figure below). Competition for resources like food and space cause the growth rate to stop increasing, so the population levels off.

Why is it important for scientists to determine population?

Studying population growth also helps scientists understand what causes changes in population sizes and growth rates. For example, fisheries scientists know that some salmon populations are declining, but do not necessarily know why.

How will you relate the limiting factors to population density?

Density-dependent limiting factors cause a population’s per capita growth rate to change—typically, to drop—with increasing population density. One example is competition for limited food among members of a population. Density-independent factors affect per capita growth rate independent of population density.

How should a company determine its optimal product mix when a limiting factor exists?

The task now will be to decide on the optimal product mix, taking into account the limiting factor of material.

  1. We start by deciding the amount of material in kilograms that would be required if we were to produce all of the units.
  2. The next step is to see how much contribution (profit) is made per unit.

What are the 5 product mix pricing situations?

Five product mix pricing situations

  • Product line pricing – the products in the product line.
  • Optional product pricing – optional or accessory products.
  • Captive product pricing – complementary products.
  • By-product pricing – by-products.
  • Product bundle pricing – several products.

What does optimal mix mean?

An optimal mix maximizes the potential unit sales while maintaining — or ideally improving — the company’s profitability. For example, a mix that results in the highest sales for the upcoming year may not set the company up for future growth.