

Do viruses multiply by binary fission?

Do viruses multiply by binary fission?

Bacteria: Bacteria commonly reproduce asexually by a process known as binary fission. Viruses: Unlike bacteria, viruses can only replicate with the aid of a host cell. Since viruses don’t have the organelles necessary for the reproduction of viral components, they must use the host cell’s organelles to replicate.

What is a requirement for a virus to reproduce?

Viruses do not carry out respiration. They also do not grow or reproduce on their own. A virus needs a living cell in order to reproduce. The living cell in which the virus reproduces is called a host cell.

How do viruses reproduce or replicate?

In the lytic cycle, the virus attaches to the host cell and injects its DNA. Using the host’s cellular metabolism, the viral DNA begins to replicate and form proteins. Then fully formed viruses assemble. These viruses break, or lyse, the cell and spread to other cells to continue the cycle.

How can viruses reproduce in a host cell?

When it comes into contact with a host cell, a virus can insert its genetic material into its host, literally taking over the host’s functions. An infected cell produces more viral protein and genetic material instead of its usual products.

How are viruses detected by the immune system?

B lymphocytes differentiate into antibody-secreting cells, and it is the antibodies that prevent spread of virus between cells. In essence, the T lymphocytes recognise virus-infected cells, while the antibodies produced by B lymphocytes recognise virus particles in blood and tissue fluids.

What is viral immunity?

Immunity that is developed against virus infections is known as viral immunity. It is developed by a variety of specific and non-specific mechanisms.

What is a common immune response to viral infection?

The adaptive immune response itself has two components, the humoral response (the synthesis of virus-specific antibodies by B lymphocytes) and the cell-mediated response (the synthesis of specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes that kill infected cells).

Which medicine is best for viral infection?

The drugs used for viral infection are Acyclovir (Zovirax), famciclovir (Famvir), and valacyclovir (Valtrex) are effective against herpesvirus, including herpes zoster and herpes genitalis. Drugs used for treatment for viral fever are Acetaminophen(Tylenolothers)ibuprofen (Advil,motrin IB others).

Who has a better immune system Male or female?

In general, females mount a stronger immune response than males, studies have found. This makes women overall less susceptible to viral infections than men, although how each individual fares is another matter.

Where is most of the immune system located?

Bone marrow That is where most immune system cells are produced and then also multiply. These cells move to other organs and tissues through the blood. At birth, many bones contain red bone marrow, which actively creates immune system cells.