

What personality dimension does the psychoanalytic approach to stress include?

What personality dimension does the psychoanalytic approach to stress include?

Applying this psychoanalytic approach, Harry Levinson argued that two elements of the personality interact to cause stress—ego-ideal and the self-image. Stress results from the discrepancy between the idealized self (ego-ideal) and the real self-image; the greater the discrepancy, the more stress a person experiences.

Is the unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a person experiences when faced with any demand?

Stress, or the stress response, is the unconscious preparation to fight or flee experienced when faced with any demand. A stressor, or demand, is the person or event triggering the stress response.

What is a defining characteristic of stress?

Stress is the: psychological & physical strain or tension generated by physical, emotional, social, economic or occupational circumstances, events or experiences that are difficult to manage or endure. Primary appraisal and Secondary appraisal – Weighing these up determines your stress response.

Is a great asset in managing legitimate emergencies and achieving peak performance?

Stress is a great asset in managing legitimate emergencies and achieving peak performance. According to the homeostatic/medical approach to stress, stress occurs when deep emotions or environmental demands upset an individual’s natural steadystate balance.

What are the three models of stress?

Stress follows the three stages of alarm, resistance, and exhaustion. If the stress is prolonged or severe, it could result in diseases of adaptation or even death.

Which of the following is generally a characteristic of Type A personalities?

Characteristics associated with a Type A personality may include operating at a more urgent pace, demonstrating higher levels of impatience, having a more competitive nature, getting upset easily, and associating self-worth with achievement.

Which personality type is the most stressed?

INxJs and ISxPs tend to be very stressed IMO. I think Ni/Se types are more stressed than Ne/Si types in general. Feelers who have Ne in their stack seem to be the least stressed/most relaxed. ENFP, ESFJ, ISFJ, INFP….

What triggers hypochondria?

Symptoms and Causes Childhood trauma, such as child abuse or neglect. Extreme stress. Health anxieties or other anxiety disorders in your family. Childhood illness or serious illness in your family during childhood….