

supplemental dental insurance – Thought due to the advertising spot

Zahnzusatzversicherungen – Nachgedacht aufgrund WerbespotBefore I comment in the next Post on the much-trumpeted Interview with Mrs. Beikirch, of the Ombudsman of the Ministry of health,, I’ll bring a few more thoughts on the subject of supplementary dental insurance. Surely you have watched some abstruse of advertising insurance, which advertises that you can take out a supplementary dental insurance, “when it is already too late,” to quote the advertising. Who is not familiar with the Spot:

Kind of reminds me a little of the spectacular scenes in James Bond, when Q showing off the latest inventions. Is James Bond, however, is funny, is it?

Well, back to the topic. Why is there such a need for a supplementary dental insurance? Who has not the happiness and privately insured (although this can sometimes be also bad luck, think of the rising costs in old age, where a sizeable part of the pension for the private health insurance plan), the visit to the dentist is often a double reason for pain. The catalogues of the health insurance companies deleted more and more together, and accordingly less cost. Legally Insured can not afford, therefore, some of the “Not-1000% ig-necessary treatment”. Here are the dental insurance kicks in. This private “secondary insurance” from you, in addition to its normal health insurance and pays a monthly, usually mid-double-digit amount. This is worth if you have an expensive treatment at the dentist. Because the supplementary insurance, you benefit from a complete assumption of costs for high-quality and modern methods of treatment, such as Inlays or Ceramic dentures.

Whether such a in addition to hedge and the resulting costs are now useful, everyone needs to decide/ every woman. And often, the crux is exactly in your own mouth: you already good and stable pearly whites, you can save yourself the cost almost. You have vulnerable teeth, would such an insurance makes sense. Due to the likely already present frequent treatments the cost will rise of course. So explained in Detail and well compare!

Photo: © Thomas Weiss