

Employer’s contribution in pension to replace old clever

Who changes than of young, healthy workers with good incomes in the private health insurance, it can save compared to the Shi contribution is a lot of money. In cooperation with the Portal we show what to consider when making the decision to change to and how to find the right Contracting partner. This we will highlight, against the Background of Eastern European nurses. We hope that this information is for you and your family of interest.

But what happens to the contributions to private health insurance in retirement? In spite of the statutory old-Age reserve strong contribution adjustments are inevitable. Medical progress, demographic Trends, and thus überalternde tariffs, the insurer the keywords. The employer’s share of health insurance falls away with the retirement and rip an extra hole in the cash register. But you can provisions.

Employer’s subsidy for private patients

Privately insured workers receive their legally insured colleagues a grant of the employer’s contribution. While in the Shi system only the General contribution rate is divided, and additional contributions to go alone to the detriment of the employee, the boss in the PKV exactly half of the number of contributions. The grant is limited to the amount the Insured under the statutory maximum. The 7.3% of the annual increase in the contribution assessment limit, currently around 320 GBP in the month.

The annuity usually pays less

With the end of the career, the pension insurance pays the employer share of private health insurance. It is calculated from the pension, which is significantly lower than the last earned income. Thus, the subsidy, and the equity share of drops is increasing. With a special collective component, the employee may make provisions already in young years: This is an additional contribution is levied, and interest accumulated. With retirement age, the balance will be used to reduce the contributions. The employer is not exploited to the full subsidy because of the low entry contributions, the company pays even with these savings pot.

For support forces carry out a 24-hour-care, of course, the question of health insurance. Here is the first to distinguish whether the care is from Germany or Eastern Europe comes from. A German support force as an employee can do the above-mentioned Considerations. A German force in the independently model can also occur in a private health insurance company. In the case of foreign nurses in the o. g. System, of course, is not relevant. Nevertheless, these forces are insured for health care. In the posting model, this is done through the employer in the home country, in the case of Polish nurses for example. in Poland, where a message at the ZUS takes place and also the A1 form is issued. Independent 24-hour nursing staff, however, are for your insurance.