

cost for a nursing home in Federal States comparison

Large differences in costs for a place in the old people’s home – Which state is the cheapest?

The cost for a place in a retirement home, there are very large regional differences, although the quality in Germany at a fairly uniform level. Came to this conclusion a of mirror Online is created evaluation, which has undergone the own share for a group home, a nationwide comparison two years ago. With the new care strengthening act II have changed but many of the signs. The question that many ask: with the amendment of the act on the stay in the nursing home cheaper? We have evaluated for the current Numbers and show how much prices in the States.

Kosten für ein Altenheim im Bundesländer-Vergleich

Cost Old Home State Of Comparison

What are the costs?

Before the differences can be compared with each other, it is important to know how the cost of an old people’s home or nursing home. Basically, there are three factors that decide about the amount of equity share: The cost of care, the investment costs and the costs for meals and accommodation.

The maintenance costs are to a large part of the nursing care insurance. Depending on the Care level (formerly level of Care) of their members, be taken cost of up to 2.005 euros. Nevertheless, you must contribute a part of yourself, the so-called establishment of the single equity share. Previously, the difference between the care, it was money and the actual care costs simply passed on to the respective residents. Today, the number of own shares divided by the number of all the inhabitants. All residents pay the same contribution and a classification in a higher nursing degree automatically leads to a significantly higher equity share, as it was before the maintenance, strengthening law II.

The investment costs include construction and maintenance costs, lease payments from the home operator or the cost of the equipment of the kitchen or bathrooms. With the catering and accommodation the cost of accommodation, food, cleaning and maintenance of the rooms and the entire building complex, the Washing of the Laundry, and the disposal of garbage. Both the investment, as well as the catering and accommodation costs, each for their own proportion of the resident. Both of these factors are also included in each home are different. In the Germany-wide comparison, come into existence, the total costs vary greatly from state to state.

Costs for a place in the old home in comparison

The mirror article as determined in the year 2015 the best facilities in the South-Western Thuringia, and Saxony. The most expensive found, however, Westphalia, in the area of Munich and North Rhine-Westphalia. The share fluctuated between 750,- and 2.000,- Euro. By switching in the course of the care act to strengthen the has changed but also the cost structure.

Therefore, here, the latest Figures are to be considered to assess whether these large differences still exist in the Form. The basis for this is a survey on the page . There, the device is compared to a uniform capital share of more than 10,000 nursing homes and care facilities throughout Germany. The result: in the first quarter of 2017, the differences in the entire Federal territory are still very large. The lone front-runner here in the Saarland. With average nursing home costs from 898,- Euro, it is 131,- EUR in front of the second most expensive in the state of Baden-Württemberg. Also, on average, more than 700,- Euro own share of the facilities in Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia. On the other side of the spectrum are the countries of lower Saxony, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia. Here, the establishment of a uniform share in the cut between 334, – € 215, – Euro, with Thuringia, as well as in the collection of mirror-home Online, the cheapest homes.

But not only the own contribution for care services varies greatly from country to country. Also, the investment costs show strong differences. The highest values were found in North Rhine-Westphalia, Bremen, Hamburg and the Saarland. There the average investment costs of more than 16 euros per day. Below a value of 10 Euro per day only in Saxony, Brandenburg, and Mecklenburg are of Anhalt-Western Pomerania and Saxony-Anhalt. What looks at first glance like a minor difference, to the entire month, a difference of a further 250 expected,- Euro. In a similar price range, the catering costs. Thus, the costs have not fallen overall, they vary only so much from residents to residents, and not more directly by the nursing degree.

Again, however, you should confirm the cost of accommodation in a care home there is a very strong divide in Germany. While the North East is performing in all the categories very well, it is getting more and more expensive, the further you go in the southwest of the Republic. Even after deduction of the allowance and the seniors remain, or their relatives sit on cost of up to 2,000 euros. Cheaper the 24-hour care is because in the majority of cases. Here is a care draws power from Eastern Europe , for example. Polish carers, their relatives to provide permanent care services. If you make all of the support services and tax benefits, you pay only a fraction of what it would have been for a stay in the nursing home due. Thus, the cost for the 24-hour care after all the deductions is usually in the range of 1,000 to 1,300 euros (also See “What is a Polish nurse?”). Thus, it is not only cheaper than most of the homes for the elderly, but also has the great advantage that your family member can remain in the familiar environment of your own home. In addition, the 24-hour caregiver can take care of a lot more to your Relatives, as it would have been in the high burden in the elderly in a home.