

care of money in 2017: services for the care of your home

To maintain a member’s home, not only costs a lot of time and sometimes also nerves. The financial burden for many is a big Problem you can’t solve without more help. A place in a nursing home, in most cases, is not significantly more expensive, nevertheless the retirement of most persons is far from sufficient to cover the costs. The questions, the many caring family members, turn to the financing of home care: What is the cost of long-term care insurance takes over? The care allowance for 2017 is? What happens if I become sick or go on vacation go? How much money we have and how can I make the claim? Long-term care insurance also pays for the 24-hour care? These and other questions we want to treat on this page extensively, and valuable tips on how you in your Situation, the Optimum performance can get.

Pflegegeld 2017: Leistungen für die Pflege Zuhause

Care of money in 2017: you can get, depending on the nursing degree, up to 901 euros care allowance for home care; © uschi dreiucker /

Care allowance for home care

If your family member suffers from a limited Everyday skills, to payments from the care Fund, the care of money. How high the actual rate is, depends on what Care level (formerly level of Care) the patient has been classified. The evaluation is an employee of the Medical service of the health insurance takes over. This evaluator member for the purpose in the apartment of your patient’s family and considering what everyday tasks can be self-managed, and where the Person needs additional help. Before the care the strengthening of act II, in the framework of this new regulation has been introduced at the beginning of 2017, the scale of the aid in minutes. Now the man himself as well as his existing physical and cognitive skills is in the foreground.

Who should take care in what context, can determine the cared for Person. Depending on whether you are cared for by family or friends, or from professional carers in the home environment, the contribution of the nursing care insurance funds. In the case of the privately-organised home care, the care is money per month between 316, and 901,- Euro.

Care Degree 1 0 Euro

Nursing Degree 2 316 Euro

Care Grade 3 545 Euro

Care Grade 4 728 Euro

Care Grade 5 901 Euro

Care benefits in kind of the care Fund

Apart from the care of money in 2017, you can also get a support in the Form of care benefits in kind. In this framework, the care Fund covers the costs for services provided in the home environment of an ambulatory care service. This includes basic care, nutrition, mobility, as well as support in the case of domestic Work include nursing assistance in the areas of. Also, these benefits are graduated according to the level of nursing degree:

Care Degree 1 0 Euro

Care Grade 2 689 Euro

Care Level 3 Is 1,298 Euro

Care Grade 4 1.612 Euro

Care Grade 5 1.995 Euro

If you do not use they are entitled to care benefits in kind in full, you can take advantage of up to 40 per cent of the amount for other care or discharge services. The hour senior care, which can relieve family carers considerably.

Combination performance: the care of money and in-kind benefits connect

If a care-dependent Person would like to have family members or friends, as well as professional nurses provide can apply for as a combination of performance care allowance and benefits in kind. Here, you claim to care will be reduced of money as a percentage depending on the scope of the claimed benefits-in-kind. If you use only 50 percent of the extent of the potential benefits that you can 50 percent of the care allowance to pay off. Specifically, this would be the example of a senior citizens with the care of degree 4, that if you make 80 percent of benefits-in-kind (i.e., 1.289,60 Euro), with a payout of 20 percent of the care allowance (145,60 EUR) is possible. But be careful: If you have decided for this combination of performance, you are bound for six months. Only in exceptional cases, the respective distribution can be changed, for example, if the demand by an acute deterioration of the health condition changes in the short term, to a high degree.

Prevention care and short-term care for the downtime

Even if you live in the same house and not (more) work, you can’t stand the whole year round-the-clock for their relatives in need of care. If you should be sick or want to travel, you can engage in for the period in question, a so-called prevention care. In the nursing-degrees-of-two to five 1,612 of euros are available per year. This money can then be used to instruct a corresponding service for the short-term care, to fill in for the time of your absence for you. To use this power, you must be at least six months for the basic care of their relatives is responsible.

If you are not able to in the long term to pay for the care or the need for a stay in the clinic is temporarily higher, there is the possibility of short-term care. Since the beginning of 2017, all at home, provided people from the Care level 2 have the right, for a maximum duration of 56 days as an inpatient at a facility. The nursing care insurance pays the Nursing content up to a height of from 1,612 euros a year. If you do not exploit your claim on short time or prevention care full, you have the option, the excess amount to the other power to circulate. For this period of time is paid but only half of the care allowance.

Additional support and relief services

From the first nursing degrees additional support and relief services to you. This entitled to a Discharge fee in the amount of 125,- Euro per month, however, is for a specific purpose. It can be used, according to § 45b of the social security code, book Eleven (XI), only for “quality-assured services to relieve care-giving relatives, and comparable close to standing in their capacity as Carers, as well as to the promotion of independence and self-determination of the patient in shaping their everyday lives.”. The costs for the utilisation of the services of the day or night care, the short – term care, or ambulatory care services. Not used discharge contributions can be until the end of June of the following year by the Insured.

Care of money in 2017 for nursing home: 24-hour care

Since the cost of an old people’s home are very high and the care insurance covers only a part of it, look for many of those Affected to an Alternative. More and more German families opt for the 24-hour care, in which nurses from Eastern Europe, in the apartment of the patient to move in and tasks of the basic care, the budget and the mobilization.

Unfortunately, you can’t make this service as Care in kind are to be asserted. For you, the care allowance, as well as their rights to prevention, care and money from the short-time care claim. Thus, they could expend on the example of a Seniors care grade 3 for a total of 746 euros per month for the 24-hour care. At an average cost of 1,800 to 2,000 Euro in the month for this type of care means a discharge of more than 33 percent, and keeps the sum in the lower four-digit range. The 24-hour-care has become a relatively cheap Alternative to the old people’s home, which allows you to remain in your own four walls and even a comprehensive individual care.

Pflegegeld 2017: Leistungen für die Pflege Zuhause

The 24-hour nurse help in basic care, mobilization, and handles everyday tasks such as shopping

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