

First year of medical university: a short guide

Hello! I decided to do a short review of the first year at the Medical University. Mainly, it is addressed to those who have just entered the honey and do not quite imagine what will happen next. I hope my article will help you to adapt.

About anatomy

First of all, of course, you are shocked by anatomy. A huge number of new terms, incomprehensible mechanics of the subject itself, huge, at first glance, tasks … how to deal with it?

Tip 1:

Do not run the anatomy. After each pair, stay in the anatomy and look at every bone that you pass. Thoroughly prepare for each seminar. By the way, the Latin language, for all its complexity at first glance, is great for remembering anatomical terms on it.

Tip 2:

Be sure to use the video lessons. Many universities do not have a decent equipment in terms of drugs, but we have a huge advantage over previous generations of physicians. Russian YouTube is full of excellent video lessons on anatomy.

Tip 3:

Draw the organs that you study on anatomy, sign their elements in Latin. This is a pretty good technique to remember. Especially it is excellent for studying the vessels and nerves, but also the bones are also well remembered.

However, I did not always draw everything. I remember before counting on the urinary system, I watched the video of Vladimir Izranov about the kidney two times in a row (it is quite long, about 40 minutes), then told a friend by phone and the next day I received 5 on this topic.

But, nevertheless, drawing and signing elements is always useful.

About organic chemistry

Also very important subject. In different universities, it is handled differently (somewhere by set-off, somewhere by exams), but they are asked at seminars, as a rule, in all cases quite harshly.

Tip 1

Organic chemistry in medical universities is the chemistry of names and typical reactions. At the very beginning, you will need to be able to make the names of substances by formulas, and also formulas for substances. Learn the nomenclature:

  • C (Methane);
  • C-C (Ethane);
  • C-C-C (propane);
  • C-C-C-C (Bhutan);
  • C-C-C-C-C (Pentane) – and several more;

And functional groups:

  • -NH2 (Amino group, suffix “amine”);
  • -COOH (Carboxylic acid, suffix “ovic acid”);
  • -C-OH (Alcohol, suffix “ol”);
  • C = O (Keton, suffix “he”) – and several more.

Of course, this is not all nomenclature units and not all functional groups, but I think you understood the principle. If you have learned this material, then it will not be difficult for you, for example, to guess C-C-OH (ethanol).

Tip 2

Make a tablet, the left side of which will contain the formula of a typical representative of the class you need (for example, propanal is a representative of aldehydes), and the right side contains 3-4 typical reactions with it (for example, a silver mirror). The very process of writing formulas in this table is great for remembering the typical properties of the connection classes you need.

It is especially important (for the further course of biochemistry) to remember the properties of acids, aminocompounds and ketones.

Tip 3

You can very much help school textbooks on chemistry for the 10th grade (where the inorganic was studied).

About Latin

Grammar in Latin is not the easiest. Even the pronunciation of different alphabetic combinations has a fairly voluminous list of rules. Try to learn them, but, most importantly, lean on the vocabulary.

Tip 1

As I already wrote, you can, without knowing all the rules, get good grades solely because of the vocabulary. But in that case, you must really know a lot from both anatomical and clinical terminology.

My observation – many teachers in the Latin language are very fond of students who know a large number of words. Particularly beneficial for you are situations where you want to translate a word, the whole stream is silent, and you are responding. Let there are several such situations at the very beginning of the semester – you will immediately win the sympathy of the teacher.

Tip 2

Try to learn words in small groups, create associations for each word. I, for example, sitting on pairs on history, sometimes wrote on the margin of 5-6 Latin words from memory and signed translations. It must be done at home, in a break between other activities. It does not take much time, but it is remembered perfectly.

About non-medical subjects

Pedagogy, psychology, philosophy, the Russian language, mathematics – it is just about them.

I have always been in favor of the right timing – that is, in couples in psychology and pedagogy I always hid records on BOS, schemes for anatomy, or something like that, and I was doing it for the most part. This tactic is useful, on the one hand – you are doing a really useful thing, and not the one that you need only when solving crossword puzzles.

However, they can conceal a serious danger for students, especially for those who study on a budget. If you frankly neglect a non-medical subject, then it can turn into big problems for you. Try not to get yourself into trouble out of nothing – the most sensible thing is to just honestly sit out on all pairs, answer a couple of times, get a gun and calmly learns further.

But nonetheless:

The beauty of the first course is that, as one respected colleague of mine said, “in the first year you get smarter by leaps and bounds.” It really is like that – a huge amount of new knowledge is falling on you for a year in a variety of subjects, just have time to absorb them. Of course, the main things are anatomy, histology, a few chemistries and so on. But also on non-medical subjects it is possible to learn something useful. Do not neglect this opportunity! And do not rush to use the essay writing service. If you’ll get caught on this, then most likely you will be expelled. In addition, other people’s lives depend from you.