

the courage to change: career in nursing

In February, I was sitting in a job interview. Actually, I wanted to make in my long-trusted Department is just a small change. Furthermore, psychological work, somatic, so in the area of mental illness, but with a bit more responsibility. And suddenly, there she was: the challenge for me as a nurse. As a gift, the change seems to me to be. On the one hand. However, I also think: “heavens, I hope I can do this.”

The jump into the cold water

To leave the Familiar and the Unknown and to enter foreign Terrain, can cause different feelings. Sometimes it takes a nudge from the outside, the power of the Unexpected is conceivable and possible. Ambivalences and uncertainties include for me. I had to make a decision for or against the meeting. My gut said to me: “do it!” And my head agreed.

Since the beginning of March, I am now working as a Deputy ward Manager on a large somatic interdisciplinary Station in the Asklepios West hospital in Hamburg. 42 patients with internistic and surgical disorders will be cared for there. After almost 18 years in the so-called speaking medicine, I return to the mental illness of the back, and go in the somatic. And I’ll take it for the first time a line function. I’m working on, after three years, only in the night service during the day. For me, these are very big changes.

Suddenly, again as in the training

In my Job everything is new: The colleagues, other patients with a significantly shorter length of stay and other diagnoses, the other, still partially unfamiliar treatments and care measures. I feel in between, like a student in training to be a nurse. The patients talk to me with my first name, which feels strange. “Sister Britta” I called and by his name. In my previous Job, I was Mrs Sanders. In the Psychosomatic Department, we nurses work so easy in our normal clothes, as the title would have been created with first name, to much closeness.

It is a different Work than in the Psychosomatic Department. It is not better or worse. It is different.

The first stormy days mastered

The other day, a hurricane seemed to have it in a day, go to one side and through the clinic. The phone rang without ceasing, the stations were off the phone in search of free beds for patients. The Central recording seemed to be overflowing. The strong gusts of wind reached my Station. “Oh, dear, can I have that?” I thought a few Times that day. But together with my colleagues we have mastered it. I’m not writing this just like that. I’m really impressed with how well we complement each other. And how and engaged all of them are motivated, how we can help each other and mutually appreciate. For all the intensity of work I am looking forward to the upcoming services with my new colleagues.

It is and remains a challenge to leave his decorated comfort zone. To me there is a different angle on things and the opportunity to develop myself. I’m happy about.

Photo: Fotolia / kalafoto