Failure in the contest for nurses : how to retrain ?
This is your first failure in the examination to enter the IFSI, or not ? Here are a few solutions to successfully address the following, find your way, and most of all : bounce !
And if we went over ?
The verdict is in and you are not received the entrance exam in Institute of nursing training (IFSI). Maybe you get started too quickly in the tests ? It is sometimes preferable to go through a year of pre-med nurse and take the time to train, at a distance or in a training centre. You will then be accompanied by professionals to fully understand the perform mental tasks, speaking of motivation… with competition white, exercises, annals, advice, etc .. This valuable assistance can help you succeed in the contest during a second pass ! A failure is certainly demotivating at the time, but it is necessary to learn to react quickly and if you really want to integrate a IFSI, the preparation can be a way to increase your chances. Especially as this year prepared tion will allow you to realize if you are suitable for this job. You can also try the support from other institutes than those to which you were presented. The “small” IFSI offer less places and have less applications : another way to increase your chances of being accepted. If you want to work in the field of paramedical, you can also start in another competition in the sector. Attention, some also require the passage by a pre-med. For instance, you can take the exam as child-care assistants, care workers, chiropodists, ATSEM (territorial Agent specialized of nursery schools), etc.
The university, a different way to work in the health
If you do not plan on ironing contest, you will be able to redirect you to a different training to the university in particular. Some licenses and masters will lead you to careers in health, allied health and even the research. Beyond the health studies that require the passage also of a contest of end of first year (PACES), some channels are made for you ! You can study psychology, biology, life sciences, sociology, etc., The training licences in three years will guide you to numerous trades. You may specialize in any of the classes more specific with the professional licensing, for example. Other training courses are oriented towards the health and the nearby areas. This is particularly the case of some Patent of superior technician (BTS) in two years as the BTS diététique, BTS analyses of medical biology, the BTS optician, etc., DUT (university diploma of technology), also in two years, are sometimes turned to the health or the social relations : the DUT social careers, DUT biological engineering, etc
Totally change of direction, it is possible !
If you have missed your contest nurse, it is also possible to completely change track. Maybe this is a sign that this job is not for you ! You will then be able to take the time to think about the area that you would be the best. To do this, you will be able to consult with advisors, visit specialized sites… in short, focus on your desires !