

Is the supplement of an angle is 4 times of its complement find the angle?

Is the supplement of an angle is 4 times of its complement find the angle?

The complement of the angle x is given by (90 – x). Hence, the angle which is four times its complement is 72 degrees.

What is the measure of an angle if it is 8 times its own supplement?

Step-by-step explanation: We know that the sum of complementary angles is 90°. x = 10. And, 8x = 8 X 10 = 80°. Hence, the angle which is equal to 8 times of its complement is 80°.

Is the supplement of an angle is three times its complement find the angle?

Supplementary of an angle = 3 times its complementary angle. The complementary angle of x will be (90° – x°). ∴ Angle measured is 45°.

Is the measure of an angle is twice the measure of its supplementary angle then the measure of the angle is?

1 Expert Answer Supplementary angles add to 180 degrees. So of the measure of the angle is x, the measure of its supplement is 2x.

What is twice the measure of an angle?

Two angles are supplementary. If the measure of the angle is twice the measure of the other, find the measure of each angle. If the sum of the measures of two angles is 180° , then the angles are supplementary.

What is the measure of complement angle?

Two angles are called complementary when their measures add to 90 degrees. Two angles are called supplementary when their measures add up to 180 degrees.

What is the measurement of an angle which is twice its supplement?

When the sum of two angles equals 180 degrees, they are referred to as supplementary angles,which forms a linear angle together. Was this answer helpful?…Thank you.

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Which is twice its supplement is?

The supplement of a given angle is the angle which makes a sum of 180o, that is a linear angle, with the given angle. This is the required angle which is twice its supplement, y=180−120=60o.

Are two angles whose sum of their measures is 180 degrees?

Supplementary angles are two angles whose sum is equal to 180∘. In other words when you add the measure of one angle in the pair with the other angle in the pair, they equal 180 degrees.

What are the measures of the four angles of the parallelogram?

A parallelogram must have equivalent opposite interior angles. Additionally, the sum of all four interior angles must equal degrees. And, the adjacent interior angles must be supplementary angles (sum of degrees). Since, angles and are opposite interior angles, thus they must be equivalent.

What is the measure of each angle of a rectangle?

Conjecture (Rectangle Conjecture I ): The measure of each angle in a rectangle is 90 degrees. Proof: This follows directly from the Quadrilateral Sum Conjecture which says that the sum of angles in any convex quadrilateral is equal to 360 degrees.

What is the angle sum of a rectangle?

The sum of the angles in a rectangle is given by (n-2)180 where n is the number of sides of the polygon and n is greater than or equal to 3. For a rectangle, n=4 thus sum of angles is (4–2)180 = 360 degrees.

What is the size of an interior angle of a rectangle?

Step by Step Explanation: In the above figure, ABCD is a parallelogram which is a rectangle. We find that all the four sides as well as the angles are equal in measure such that ∠A = ∠B = ∠C = ∠D. = 90°. Hence, the measure of each interior angle of a rectangle is 90°.

What is the measurement of every angle in a rectangle Quizizz?

All angles are 90 degrees and all sides are equal.

What was the value of third angle?

If you add all three interior angle measures together in a triangle it will always equal 180°.. To find a third angle you will subtract the sum of the two given angles from 180°.