

Which country lies on the equator?

Which country lies on the equator?

The equator passes through 13 countries: Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Sao Tome & Principe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, Maldives, Indonesia and Kiribati. For more information about these places, visit our Countries of the World page.

Is the equator the hottest place on earth?

So the concept that the hottest place on earth is around the equator and the coolest is on the poles is wrong. It is hotter in the desert than around the equator because the weather in the desert is very dry so when the temperature rises and it doesn’t rain the temperature will rise even higher ….

Can you live on the equator?

If you live on the equator you will experience the quickest rates of sunrise and sunset in the world, taking a matter of minutes. These places also have a constant twelve hours of day and night throughout the year, while north or south of the equator day length increasingly varies with the seasons.

Why is the equator so important?

The equator is a very important “imaginary line” for the GOES and GOES-R weather satellites. They orbit exactly above the equator, at a very great distance (22,300 miles), which allows them to make just one orbit per day.

What happens when you cross the equator?

It was a way for sailors to be tested for their seaworthiness. When a ship crosses the equator, King Neptune comes aboard to exercise authority over his domain and to judge charges brought against Pollywogs that they are only posing as sailors and haven’t paid proper homage to the god of the sea.

Do countries on the equator have seasons?

Equatorial Climates Even during the rest of the year, equatorial regions often experience a hot climate with little seasonal variation. As a result, many equatorial cultures recognize two seasons—wet and dry.

What are you called if you cross the equator?

Sailors who have already crossed the Equator are nicknamed Shellbacks, Trusty Shellbacks, Honorable Shellbacks, or Sons of Neptune. Those who have not crossed are nicknamed Pollywogs, or Slimy Pollywogs.

Has anyone been to the equator?

THE EQUATOR (2006) In 2006 Reeve went on a trip around the world, taking a spherical view of it by following the Equator. The idea was relatively simple – follow that imaginary line at zero degrees latitude, the centre of the world, the border between the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern and make a full loop.

Is the equator hot or cold?

Places near Earth’s equator (like Ecuador and Singapore) are warm, while places near the poles (like Antarctica and Greenland) are cold. Why is this true? At the equator, the Sun’s light hits Earth nearly straight on (at a steep angle). If you were at the equator at noon, the Sun would be close to directly overhead.

Where is the hottest place on earth?

Death Valley, California, USA The aptly named Furnace Creek currently holds the record for hottest air temperature ever recorded. The desert valley reached highs of 56.7 degrees in the summer of 1913, which would apparently push the limits of human survival.

Why Africa is hot?

Africa mainly lies within the intertropical zone between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Because of this geographical situation, Africa is a hot continent as the solar radiation intensity is always high.

Why is Australia so hot when it’s not near the equator?

Australia is not far from the equator. It’s at the latitude where high pressure areas predominate, and that means it will often have clear skies. As a consequence, radiation from the Sun is not blocked by day making for very warm days.