

Allo firefighters ? It is grandma !

Allo les pompiers ? C’est mamie !

That evening, we took in a little lady of 93 years who had called the firefighters for… him to change his protection. It is often that the firemen are called to the front linkage simple or to make the small toilet, always at night. She had called twice, the first time the fire brigade had left at home. The second time, the regulation of UAS has asked them to take her to the emergency room.

Where is the emergency ? It’s not necessarily where you think. They tell us about their adventure of the evening, stating that the husband was sleeping peacefully beside her, to evidence the snoring important that covered the work of the fire department. In addition, he was deaf as a pot ! Impossible to wake up. With us, it was rather in the form, it will require just a bed to sleep in.

A layer to change it ? Made the 18.

In the questioning, we asked him so why is she called the fire department to change its protection ? What do we say ? She knows that number… And the family in all this ? Too far. And help at home ? She has not, and anyway it does not pass the night. It is true that, via the tele-alarms, reason why we could not spend the night when there is a hassle of this kind ? Or other ..?

She was a cute grandma. She knew well that it was not an emergency and did not want to disturb us. But for a small woman who usually happens to be stand-alone each night and, suddenly, this night can’t do it, it can’t it hide something ? It is always necessary to ask the right questions. The constants are good, but listening to the lungs, it was decided to send him to make a small radio. Ah bah tiens, they are rather “dirty” lungs of grandma. Go a little blood for the form and hop on the put under antibiotic before you install it comfortably in a bed for it to end his night. We will see tomorrow for the result to come in, have a department of geriatrics ? A home healthcare ? Or simply help at home ?

But nobody has thought about the husband ? Not because of me, I bet he is going to have a sacred dread the alarm clock when he would no longer see his wife beside him. Or he will imagine that after 60 years of living, she is decided to leave the home. Make your bets…