

Can prescription drugs be taken while driving?

Can prescription drugs be taken while driving? Although most medications won’t affect your ability to drive, some prescription and nonprescription medicines (also called over-the-counter, or OTC) can have side effects and cause reactions that may make it unsafe to drive. Side effects can include: sleepiness/drowsiness. What medications stop you driving? It’s illegal to drive if […]

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Who lived in America before the colonists arrived?

Who lived in America before the colonists arrived? Indians Who landed in the United States first? Leif Eriksson Who owned land in colonial America? Basically, the King claimed ownership of the colonial land, and distributed it according to a variety of laws subject to his approval. No matter that the land was already occupied by […]

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What are the characteristics of the ocean ecosystem?

What are the characteristics of the ocean ecosystem? Marine ecosystems are characterized by factors such as availability of light, food and nutrients. Other factors that affect marine ecosystems include water temperature, depth and salinity, as well as local topography. Changes in these conditions can change the composition of species that make up the marine community. […]

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Who was involved in the cotton gin?

Who was involved in the cotton gin? inventor Eli Whitney Who invented the cotton gin in 1793? Eli Whitney Who was Eli Whitney and what did he do? Eli Whitney was an American inventor, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer who lived in New England from the late 1700s to the early 1800s. He helped revolutionize cotton […]

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How are mountain ranges formed?

How are mountain ranges formed? How Are Mountains Formed? The world’s tallest mountain ranges form when pieces of Earth’s crust—called plates—smash against each other in a process called plate tectonics, and buckle up like the hood of a car in a head-on collision. What is orogenic movement? An orogeny is an event that leads to […]

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How does frog breathe in water?

How does frog breathe in water? Frogs can also breathe through their skin. They need to keep their skin moist to be able to breathe through their skin, so if their skin dries out they are not able to absorb oxygen. They use their skin to absorb oxygen when underwater, but if there is not […]

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What happens to light when it encounters matter?

What happens to light when it encounters matter? causes it to separate into its spectral colors. Refraction occurs when the incoming light travels through another medium, from air to glass for example. When this happens the light slows down and changes direction. What happens when light travels through an object? When a light wave with […]

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Does chlorophyll pigments absorb sunlight for photosynthesis?

Does chlorophyll pigments absorb sunlight for photosynthesis? Although both chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b absorb light, chlorophyll a plays a unique and crucial role in converting light energy to chemical energy (as you can explore in the light-dependent reactions article). Which color is absorbed most strongly by chlorophyll A? Chlorophyll absorbs light most strongly in […]

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What did Irene Joliot Curie do in 1934?

What did Irene Joliot Curie do in 1934? In 1934, the Joliot-Curies finally made the discovery that sealed their place in scientific history. In 1948, using work on nuclear fission, the Joliot-Curies along with other scientists created the first French nuclear reactor. What did Marie Curies daughters do? Ève Curie was the younger daughter of […]

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