

How can I improve my classroom writing skills?

How can I improve my classroom writing skills? 14 Activities To Improve Kids’ Writing Skills Read Up. Regular reading is a stepping stone to better writing and helps kids’ strengthen their writing skills. Make it Fun! Create Writing Worksheets. Try Different Materials. Write Letters. Encourage Journalling. Create a Writing Space. Invest Time. Is there an […]

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How do you explain a paragraph?

How do you explain a paragraph? What is a paragraph? Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is […]

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What is the oldest type of font?

What is the oldest type of font? Blackletter is the oldest typeface style that still has significant echoes in modern type. It emerged in Europe in the middle ages (around 1150 AD) and stuck around well into the 17th century – especially in Germany. What is an old fashioned font? Definitions of old style font. […]

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What is instead used for?

What is instead used for? Instead is an adverb and means ‘as an alternative’. We can use instead at the beginning or the end of a clause, although in spoken English it is more common at the end. Holidays in Italy are too expensive so we’re going to Greece instead. Holidays in Italy are too […]

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What is a letter of application?

What is a letter of application? ✓ The letter of application, also known as a cover letter, explains to the employer why you are qualified for the position in which you are applying and why you should be selected for an interview. A letter of application should complement, not duplicate, your résumé. What is different […]

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Is it okay to change POV in writing?

Is it okay to change POV in writing? 2. The cardinal rule of Point of View: Limit yourself to one Perspective Character per scene, preferably per chapter, ideally per book. That means no switching POV characters within the same scene, let alone within the same paragraph or sentence. Can you switch between points of view? […]

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What is the role of the main character in the story?

What is the role of the main character in the story? Character role refers to the part that one plays in the story. As you probably know, the most important role in any story is the protagonist (which we’ll discuss below). This means all other roles stem from their relationship to the protagonist. What does […]

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Does grammar matter communication?

Does grammar matter communication? Grammar is composed of the rules that govern English. An understanding of these rules is essential for communication. Errors in grammar can easily lead to misunderstandings. Additionally, when you speak or write with poor grammar, others will often make judgements about who you are as a person. What is the effect […]

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Why is the scientific method the most effective?

Why is the scientific method the most effective? The scientific method attempts to minimize the influence of bias or prejudice in the experimenter. Even the best-intentioned scientists can’t escape bias. That’s the job of the scientific method. It provides an objective, standardized approach to conducting experiments and, in doing so, improves their results. How does […]

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What is interactive PowerPoint?

What is interactive PowerPoint? Interactive PowerPoint is a method of applying PowerPoint to a different way of disseminating knowledge. Interactive PowerPoint lets you allow the user to be more flexible and allows you to include more information because the user isn’t necessarily having to go through it all in one go. What is an interactive […]

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