
Essay tips

Be Mindful Of Your Path

I have a friend who really, likes going to our apartment pool during the summers. He likes it so much that, during this past summer, whenever he’d walk in our door we’d all immediately say, “Pool?” Flashback to a weekday during this past July. In typical fashion, my friend has proved persuasive and we’re all headed to […]

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How To Build A Hanging Desk In 15 Minutes

My dorm-design philosophy is this: things that touch the floor are bad. Now, while that’s not to say you should attempt to create a Swiss Family Robinson-style treehouse in your room, it’s pretty easy to agree that anything that sits on the floor takes up valuable space that could be used for yoga, stationary cycling, […]

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What does the title of the poem mean?

What does the title of the poem mean? The title might be the most important word choice of all, because it’s the first thing the reader sees, so it shapes the way the reader understands the poem. In your analysis, then, the title is a big clue: it tells you what the author wants you […]

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Is a book supposed to be underlined or italicized?

Is a book supposed to be underlined or italicized? Titles of full works like books or newspapers should be italicized. Titles of short works like poems, articles, short stories, or chapters should be put in quotation marks. Titles of books that form a larger body of work may be put in quotation marks if the […]

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How do you write an essay for nursing school admission?

How do you write an essay for nursing school admission? Part I: How to Write an Effective Nursing School EssayPlan Your Essay. Make Yourself Stand Out. Share Your Dreams. Show that You Care about People. Explain Your Qualifications. Tell the Admissions Committee Why You Want to go to Their School. Why I would like to […]

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What do you need in a informative essay?

What do you need in a informative essay? The informative essay includes information that educates and informs readers about certain event, person or idea. It consists of introduction, body, and conclusion. Choose first the major ideas to describe. Proper structure of informative essay brings reader’s attention and makes it interesting for a wide audience. What […]

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