

How is ICSE percentage calculated 2020?

How is ICSE percentage calculated 2020? To calculate the pass percentage, this would be used in the formula- 0.7 A + 0.3 B. The formal will provide you with the Subject marks. For Hindi, Geography, Biology and Mathematics subjects, the scores are out of 80 so weightage would be 0.8. Does ICSE take best of […]

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How many circles make a sphere?

How many circles make a sphere? Infinite numbers of circles are needed to make one sphere. Since in between any two circles , one can draw another circle. How sphere is formed? A sphere can also be constructed as the surface formed by rotating a circle about any of its diameters. Replacing the circle with […]

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What is an example of a differential diagnosis?

What is an example of a differential diagnosis? For example, many infections cause fever, headaches, and fatigue. Many mental health disorders cause sadness, anxiety, and sleep problems. A differential diagnosis looks at the possible disorders that could be causing your symptoms. What is the difference between a diagnosis and a differential diagnosis? A differential diagnosis […]

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What is the purpose of a student lounge?

What is the purpose of a student lounge? Student lounges are rooms located within thousands of schools, colleges and universities, designed to give students a space for relaxation and study. How can students improve their lounge? Here are other lounge decor ideas that will put these student lounges over the top. Paint the Walls the […]

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Which wire is thicker 10 gauge or 14 gauge?

Which wire is thicker 10 gauge or 14 gauge? Gauge Thickness chart & Information: Gauge -Thickness Dimension inches thick Dimension millimeters thick 10 .102 inch 2.6 mm 12 .081 inch 50 2 mm thick 14 .064 inch a bit thicker than 1/16 inch 1.6 mm 16 .051 inch 1.30 mm What gauge is the strongest? […]

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