

Cosmetic surgery before you leave on summer vacation, good or bad idea ?

You want to make a plastic surgery operation since years, for you to feel more comfortable in your body ? Making the decision to embark on such an operation is not to be taken lightly.

There are tons of medical research papers that been written on this topic in the internet. This one is to inform you well in advance on the cosmetic surgeon which will perform this operation, and on the center in which you are going to achieve it. Please do not hesitate to ask for more details on the conditions under which will be conducted this operation, and what are the potential risks for you.

Among the risk factors, the sun is to be taken into account in a large number of operations in aesthetic surgery. Here are a few tips on the operations to be avoided if you leave you expose to the sun.

Absolutely avoid the sun during these operations

It is not necessary to do a peeling before any exposure: the epidermis has been stimulated during this operation of aesthetic surgery, which makes it ultra-sensitive to the rays of the sun.
For the operation of dermabrasion, that is to say, an operation that mainly deals with the areas that are marked by scars or acne. In preparation for this operation of surgery of paris, proscribed strongly exposing skin to the sun.

Liposuction and botox are not afraid of the sun

Liposuction is a plastic surgery operation, which allows one to eliminate fat deposits that come you can stay in your body, especially your buttocks, your arms or your legs.

Even if this operation is not dangerous if exposure to the sun, it is recommended to cover a total sunblock (sunscreen index 50+ all summer long) to protect the skin a maximum of UVA and UVB rays.

This plastic surgery operation is not inconsistent with the summer, especially if you go to the sea: exercising in the water is an excellent stimulant to reshape your plastic and promote weight loss.

In regards to botox, there is no contra-indication for botulinum toxin injections before the summer. In contrast, during periods of high heat should be avoided to promote the proper assimilation of this product. In fact, excessive heat dilates the vessels, and could lead to the displacement of the toxin butolique, more known under the name of Botox.

Can we expose to the sun after an implant or a rhinoplasty ?

The breast implants doesn’t conflict with the summer and sun exposure. On the other hand, we do not recommend that you directly expose your breasts to the sun in the months after the operation. Similarly, if you have to be a sporting holiday, it is better to avoid to do too much sports to not risk to see it move breast implants.

We recommend you to do your plastic surgery operation a month before going on vacation to be able to expose you and bathe you in confidence.

Similarly, you can decide to make you redo the nose, before leaving for summer vacation, as long as you do not expect sports to be too violent in which you might take a hit on the nose. After an operation of aesthetic surgery paris, like this one, you will feel some pain at the level of the nose, but you don’t put in danger the results of your rhinoplasty if you expose yourself to the sun.