

Hemorrhoids : here’s how to recognize the symptoms

Hémorroïdes : voici comment reconnaître les symptômes

It is not always easy to recognize the symptoms related to hemorrhoids, all the genes which are felt at the level of the anus and rectum are not necessarily the result of a disorder hemorrhoidal. In effect, these discomforts are due to either an anal fissure, or sometimes to some other disease. Here are a few warning signs that help recognize the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Pain anal

The pain in the anus are often the symptom of internal hemorrhoids or external. These pains may be accompanied by tightness towards the inside of the anus. Sit becomes not only very painful, but almost impossible. When the pain is persistent and lasts for hours, it is necessary to immediately consult a specialist.

Even at night during sleep, this pain can appear and persist until the early morning. Anal pain can be felt for a few minutes to return a few days after or last for days. Only the position lying on the belly or a cushion hemorrhoidal to sit is recommended to decrease the discomfort.

Anal itching

They are not always due to the crises hemorrhoidal, but rather to the symptoms of other diseases such as colon cancer, fungal infections, the presence of worms or an anal fissure. The itching also mention a problem hemorrhoidal and if the itching is present on the circumference of the anus, it isexternal hemorrhoids, if itching are rather felt to the inside of the anus, the hemorrhoid is internal.

These itching are rather unpleasant and make it uncomfortable in the sitting position. Symptoms ofhemorrhoids external are often followed by an early swelling of the pads hemorrhoidal and the itching due to internal hemorrhoids without bleeding are no longer present after having a bowel movement. It is important here not to scratch, as it could worsen the symptom, or even cause an infection.

The anal bleeding or rectorragies

This is a symptom of a crisis hemorrhoidal can occur at all stages of the disease. The bleeding may be trivial and slight or, it may be abundant, continuous, and stain the toilet bowl. This hypothesis requires sometimes to wear a diaper. These hemorrhoids symptoms are not to be taken lightly, the use of a doctor should be the first action to do. In fact, if the bleeding is left without care, it can lead to more serious problems such as anemia, fatigue, infection of the anal zone.

Prolapse or swelling

The appearance of a blood clot in the pads hemorrhoidal cause the prolapse, swelling, hemorrhoidal significant. As a general rule, the prolapse is accompanied by pain unbearable and forces the patient to consult a specialist. A disorder ofhemorrhoids external will make the prolapse palpable around the anus and there may be one or several swellings.

In the case of multiple masses, it is necessary to consult a gastroenterologist to evacuate the blood clots trapped in the swelling. In the case of internal hemorrhoids symptoms, thrombosis outsourced will detect the prolapse. It may happen that the prolapse will recover only in place, this means that it is in stage 2, in stage 3, the patient must provide the hemorrhoid in place. In stage 4, hemorrhoids not can back in place and requires surgery.

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