

How do you cite a quote from a play in APA?

How do you cite a quote from a play in APA?

Start with the author’s name, last name first, then first initial followed by a period. Put the date of publication (or translation) in parentheses next with a period after the parentheses. Write the title of the play with no special formatting such as quotation marks or italics.

How do you cite quotes from Romeo and Juliet?

Type the number of the act, scene and lines you are citing. For example, “O Romeo, Romeo, / wherefore art thou Romeo?” (Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet 2.1. 74-75). Every time you cite the play afterwards, include only the act, scene and line number.

How do you quote the prologue in Romeo and Juliet?

Just use Scene and Lines: (5.32). For a Prologue, just write (Prologue. 4-5). When you cite poetry, you need to include a slash (called a virgule) between lines.

How do you cite the play Hamlet?

MLA FormatAuthor’s last name, first name. Title, translated or edited by first name last name, publisher, year published, page numbers.Shakespeare, William. Hamlet, edited by George Richard Hibbard, Oxford UP, 2008, pp. 18-22.Author’s last name, first initial. (Year published). Title. Shakespeare, W. (1996). Hamlet.