

How do you find average speed without distance?

How do you find average speed without distance?

Add the two speeds together. Then, divide the sum by two. This will give you the average speed for the entire trip. So, if Ben traveled 40 mph for 2 hours, then 60 mph for another 2 hours, his average speed is 50 mph.

What’s the difference between constant speed and constant velocity?

To have a constant velocity, an object must have a constant speed in a constant direction. Constant direction constrains the object to motion in a straight path thus, a constant velocity means motion in a straight line at a constant speed.

Can speed change if velocity is constant?

Motion with Constant Velocity: When an object is moving with constant velocity, it does not change direction nor speed and therefore is represented as a straight line when graphed as distance over time. You can also obtain an object’s velocity if you know its trace over time.

Does constant speed mean 0 velocity?

No, it doesn’t. Velocity is a vectorial quantity, it has magnitude (speed) and direction. Even though the speed is constant in this particular example, the direction changes all the time. The velocity of an object changes when the net force acting on it is not zero.

What is acceleration when velocity is zero?

When acceleration is zero then velocity of object can be zero or constant. The body continues to move with its velocity throughout. For e.g if a train is at rest then acceleration is zero and velocity remains zero.

Does an object at rest have zero acceleration?

Finding the acceleration Thus, even though the velocity of an object at rest must be zero, acceleration can clearly be non-zero for objects at rest. A particle that is thrown vertically upwards stops momentarily at the highest point of motion.

Can a body accelerate at rest?

Answer. Yes, A body can have acceleration while at rest,but it will be negative acceleration or retardation.

Can an object have zero acceleration with only one force acting on it?

If only one force acts on an object, the object cannot have zero acceleration (Newton’s second law). It is possible for the object to have zero velocity, but only for an instant. For example (if we neglect air resistance), a ball thrown up into the air has only the force of gravity acting on it.

What is the force of an object at rest?

Newton’s First Law: If no net force acts on an object it remains at rest, if initially at rest, or it maintains its velocity if initially in motion. Newton’s Second Law: F = ma: The net force F acting on an object with mass m and acceleration a is given by this expression.