

How many degrees are in the sum of an interior angle and an exterior angle of a regular polygon?

How many degrees are in the sum of an interior angle and an exterior angle of a regular polygon?


What is the sum of interior angles and exterior angles of a hexagon?

There are six angles, so 720 ÷ 6 = 120°. Each interior angle of a regular hexagon has a measure of 120°. Because the sum of these angles will always be 360°, then each exterior angle would be 60° (360° ÷ 6 = 60°).

What are the interior and exterior angles of a hexagon?

In a regular polygon the sides are all the same length and the interior angles are all the same size. The following diagram shows a regular hexagon: Note that, for any point in a polygon, the interior angle and exterior angle are on a straight line and therefore add up to 180°.

How many degrees are in one exterior angle of a regular hexagon?

60 degrees

How much is the exterior angle of a hexagon?

A rule of polygons is that the sum of the exterior angles always equals 360 degrees.

What are the angle degrees of a hexagon?

A hexagon has six sides, and we can use the formula degrees = (# of sides – 2) * 180. Then degrees = (6 – 2) * 180 = 720 degrees. Each angle is 720/6 = 120 degrees.

How do you work out the interior angles of an irregular hexagon?

There is no equation for finding the angles of irregular hexagons. Calculate the interior angle, by multiplying 180(n – 2) where “n” is the number of sides — in this case, six. Multiply 180 and 4 to get the answer. Divide this by the number of angles, which is six.

What is the sum of the interior angle of an irregular hexagon?

To do this, subtract 2 from the number of sides, and multiply the difference by 180. This will give you, in degrees, the sum of the interior angles in your polygon. So, the sum of the interior angles of a hexagon is 720 degrees.

What is the sum of interior angles of an irregular Heptagon?

So, the sum of the interior angles of a heptagon is 900 degrees. All sides are the same length (congruent) and all interior angles are the same size (congruent).

What is the interior angle of an irregular hexagon?

120 degrees

What is one interior angle of a dodecagon?
