

Letter to the Syringe !

Lettre de la Seringue !

Did you know ? The blog nurse is officially open for over 4 years… time goes by so fast. And you are still so faithful year after year, tens of thousands each year. Thank you !

Then it is time to make a balance, we need to talk.

Don’t worry, there’s nothing bad ! Ok, I thought about you all but if I was talking directly to my blog ? (You meaning the nurse, who sleeps not a lot at the moment and he starts talking to a blog ? A BLOG what !).

Dear blog nurse

More than 4 years that you make me endure it, true I still left a good year quiet without really publish. More than a year ? Not when not even… If ? I’m not going to see. But you know, I had a blank in my life. I had even thought about quitting this blog, but since you raised the bar, especially this year where we wrote a lot of articles on anecdotes to the emergency room. It is true that since I’m in the emergency room, I broke. (And because in my personal life, it’s going to also but this is not a personal blog, so hush).

At the level of the content so we can see that there are more and more anecdotes of my job, so much so that it has become a chronic emergency. Besides, we have so much to write but I’m still looking for the tone to be used for these items. However, I think that this topic will gain momentum on the blog, which will transform probably ” blog nurse – live my life in the er” , you know the kind. Of course the other sections will remain, the articles rants too (even if the government is shit royally).

At the level of the design, is nothing new. You keep your pretty boils but we will just read the blog as well as the topics. Your pretty colors and your pretty banner will remain, don’t worry.

At the level of social networks, we have progressed quite well ! The twitter account – the new – is progressing apace. And the page Facebook made a big jump this year with the landing of a thousand fans on the page ! You can still thank them, it is thanks to them that we are there. Moreover, we really hope to thank them one day by launching a contest (yes I know, we talk about it for a year…).

And to finish you can change name. Huh ? That ? What ? You don’t want to ? But I’ve got a stack hair in the theme ! In fact, the blog nurse now has the web address ! Class not ? Wow, I hear some people who don’t have the air to enjoy. Well, it is true that the Syringe has always been the emblem of the site and my professional identity. So you want to keep this address ? Do not worry, it does not change anything ! I just redirects to… I was planning to make a site full next but finally, I changed my mind. We will add what we planned on here on the blog.

Good I’ve done, I think. It is time for you to thank all the visitors who come to read you, new the regular ! More many of you support us and the more one has the energy to write articles (especially good because of the time… :p), even with mistakes.

I leave you, and especiallySew good !