

New change in nursing education

Nouveau changement dans la formation infirmière

As you know, the training of nursing students will once again change, for the 4th time, from September 2014. Let’s see the positive side of it is that this training continues to adapt to the terrain and the need to, while constantly changing, continually evolving. Be careful to not do too much however.

The nursing education is changing, again.

Let us take it. At the time of today, the clinical part of the diploma is validated by a skills-acquisition and also by the acquisition of the acts and techniques of care. First of all ill perceived by the profession, the approach to skills is well-defended to ensure a posture of reflexivity of the student. Therefore, the decree of 2009 will be changed and it will remove the validation of the acts and techniques of care for the acquisition of credits validating an internship, and thus obtain the precious diploma.

In addition, students will have the opportunity to enhance their course by the supplements of skills in cross-sectional (Ex : association, erasmus…). Thanks to this validation, the nursing students come as well in the common trunk of the students.

We talk about students but to the tutors of the internships ? The FNESI has reported the development of a specification for the training of guardians, concerning a reconnaissance of the mission of supervision.

The point of all this is that synthetic, here is an illustration proposed by the FNESI and that made me smile. Before the course, the validated set of skills as well as the acts, now just the skills will be to validate. Before, the balance sheet as of the end of the course was mandatory, now the mid-internship is also mandatory. Good since 2009, I’ve always done the balance sheets of mid-term… It seemed logical. It was estimated previously at a time T, now we look at the progress of the student during the internship. Hum, yes at the same time, it is a little of what we were doing since the demise of this famous moment T then called ” MSP” .Nouveau changement dans la formation infirmière

Good it’s good stuff to think about the future minds of the profession and the posture is reflexive it should have but the care is done with the hands of the caregiver. Do more have a look at the practical side of the student is relevant ? I thought that the students complained of not having enough practice workshop IFSI… it should be noted that some still make the MSP, including me I admit. But I do not with one hand,” assessment” , just because I do not see the student in his daily care and that this MSP training serves to have a look at the student and give him a line of advance subsequently. Of course, it is made in the middle of the internship and not the end of the course… which Serves also for the mid-term. Also note that to validate the technical acts by the nurse should not be seen as a MSP daily where the nurse will be at the top of the shoulder of the student each morning to evaluate it. After all, is a question of education…