New series of “insights into the care” The Dementia support
She is looking for people to join, and in the interest of something completely New. According to people, the people with dementia the opportunity to give, to live as “ normal “ as possible. Ulrike Mundt is the owner of their company “dementia monitoring Mundt”, and in addition, she is involved in the dementia Info Center e. V. (DIC) in Hilden. Ulrike makes the beginning of a new series of the long-term care bloggers, the people from different areas of nursing in Interviews from their professional life to tell. I wrote to Ulrike, in the case of Xing, and you immediately agreed to participate.
Ulrike, thank you for taking the time for the Interview. I would like to give the readers of the blog, including some of the Person who is interested in a career in care, is certainly like an insight into different activities. When and why did you decide to pursue a career in the nursing/health care industry?
I was in my previous career, life companion. I have not made a conscious decision to do so. Actually, he is falling for me more. I was 20 and it was a reorientation. It is a care service that put me at the time, due to certain abilities, and was close to do the training. The school Board later confirmed. Within the training I did then, some of the subjects a lot of fun. And so it went on.
You’re through various stations, among other things, of an activity in the hospital, come so far that you have finally founded your own company. How did you come? What are the pros and cons of self-employment?
I have enjoyed working in a Team, and we had a lot of fun. Until now I also still have contacts to many homes, often by colleagues, former students or trainees. However, I wanted to gain experience in the different areas of the seniors work to connect things together. It was clear to me that I can use the skills that I see in people, for example, in the employment, also in the care. Unfortunately, the terms of care/ supervision including changed much to the detriment of all Involved. At some point I had to ask myself the question whether I want to be involved in the everyday Care, so what he looks like today, so can answer for that. That was my out, took something.
I can get involved today, the individual, my work is individually designed. I can connect on the basis of the different experiences of some of the things that people focus on my ideas to implement, new things to stimulate. For the people and a lot of fun. And I can work according to their own times, so I decide of course on my free time, my income and ultimately my health.
I have, of course, no holiday or Christmas money, the there are, however, always rare, longer holiday I miss. I must, of course, responsible for my social security care of themselves and I am for my professional activity, in particular, what I’m doing or not.
What does your profession as a dementia monitoring? What are the tasks you will be taking, with what people you work and what responsibilities there are.
I accompany people who are suffering from dementia, through their individual everyday life. We will discuss the possibilities and limits of the disease. Furthermore, the design of everyday life and everything that has something to do with it. I support the Sufferers and their families and convey to you, so to speak, to the outside. I’m trying to knit a network to each of the families. I’m trying to work with the institutions, which can also be used as a further support seen. Thus, the patient realizes that he will continue to be accepted as a valuable human being, strengthens Self – consciousness. I work with all institutions that have something to do with people, such as Doctors, Gerontologists, government Offices, health insurance companies, LV Alzheimer’s NRW, German Alzheimer’s society, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, home care services, leisure, community, disabled / not disabled, to the city of Hilden, etc., Each working independently.
In addition to your dementia accompanied you to hire you as a volunteer in the dementia Info Center in Hilden, Germany, to lead, among other things, the “Cologne meeting”. You can derive from your commitment that your “Job” is a lot of fun? What are the reasons?
Yes, my work makes me very great fun, I have built a great Team, multi-cultural, multi-professional and inter-generative, and we get to laugh a lot. Everyone knows his work and there are great suggestions, it is a very nice to each other. Sure, there are also smaller discussions, the regulate, but quite quickly. The help and understanding with each other is also important, everyone has a bad day or problems with the children.
We are building something, with the Affected and concerned people with dementia, and get very much gratitude, warmth and cheerfulness.
When young people are faced with the choice of profession, it would ask you if you want to opt for a career in the nursing/ health care – what would you advise them? And would you give the same advice to more Mature people looking for a new job?
I would ask why you want to pursue this profession and how the everyday life could look like. Also, I would discuss in a conversation, first of all, some things, such as Dignity, respect, attention, self-determination, their own limits, biographies, and I would try to bring n the position of the diseased close.(Learning-by-doing.) This relates to both groups.
In the case of younger people, I would put my focus more on the biographical Work, work out, collages to work out, this would, of course, happen also time, environment.. u a …. Only in this way understanding can be for the Situation of the other training. Then I would suggest an internship WITH INSTRUCTIONS. I have always given me a lot of trouble with my students / trainees, and finally, we educate our future colleagues. And looks like it will make the other / beyond the horizon / in subsequent work groups, gain experience, and tinkering from what you have learned and seen, your own taken care of, open minded.
And if it’s not this career path is, perhaps, only another branch.
You can on many years of experience in the care look back. What are the qualities you should bring to have fun on the Job?
A positive attitude and respect for others, willingness to question themselves, the ability to engage with others, not to take seriously, team willingness, the willingness to reach out to others, peace, Serenity, openness, a good Portion of optimism and visions.
We will to the short-circuit political: What is your opinion on the current Situation in care? What has changed in the last few years, and what would have to change in the future?
Long-term care insurance has not improved with the low-threshold care services, which unfortunately is still not enough. Similarly, the time quota is a big Problem. The training courses ( AP/ KP / KS / Doctors/……) would have to change fundamentally. There are various professional should be involved groups, holistic perspective. On psychological disorders, particularly the dementias (but also Parkinson’s, MS, disabled,….) more needs to be addressed. So the staff is overwhelmed completely, and can not act adequately. Problems are inevitable.
Dear Ulrike, many thanks for the many responses. I wish you all the best on your career and in Private.
Thank you you’re welcome.
We note as a thank you for this detailed Interview on the spot and on Ulrike’s website: