

Opinion, ” So “

Avis « Alors voilà »

Hello, you go to the emergency room. You know your feeling at that service, you know that you can expect. So, you have already asked the feelings of those who work there ?

Immerse yourself in the world of Baptiste Beaulieu, a blogger known for these stories on his blog So here it is, a young internal medicine 27-year-old who tells the story through her words and her look his various stories and internal emergencies. He speaks about him, his colleagues, his department head, nurses, everyone is told to you…

So here it is

Humor, scathing, dry humor, check out a few stories, gentle or violent through the eyes of an intern in the er who spends his time between his guards and climb to the 5th floor to share the last of his stories to the patient room 7 which is preparing to go out to a new life. Through this thread, you are going to love the relationship caregiver/cared-for, even if I must admit that sometimes I am a little lost by some of the confusions in the style or even the different names given to the characters, But whatever, it is necessary to read this book, preferably in a quiet corner without being disturbed (perhaps why I found this confusing sometimes…).

Despite this, I found the book good and fun to read. Touch of sincerity, the story arriving to make travel in your imagination to make a small piece of theatre medical. The writing is different than other books, but this is what makes its charm. Baptiste inspires me, Baptist was pleasant to me, Baptist is to discover… I can only invite you to read Then here it is: The 1001 lives of Emergency !