

What are 4 decomposers?

What are 4 decomposers?

Most decomposers are microscopic organisms, including protozoa and bacteria. Other decomposers are big enough to see without a microscope. They include fungi along with invertebrate organisms sometimes called detritivores, which include earthworms, termites, and millipedes.

Where can decomposers be found?

Decomposers include bacteria, fungi, earthworms, millipedes and insect larvae. Billions of these organisms live in the top layer of the soil. Fungi and bacteria begin to break down leaves even before they fall.

Is Moss a living thing?

What makes something a living thing? To be called a living thing, an item must have once eaten, breathed and reproduced. A dead animal or plant is considered a living thing even though it is not alive. plants (e.g. trees, ferns, mosses)

What are decomposers give 2 examples?

A decomposer is an organism that breaks down organic materials from dead organisms to obtain energy. These organisms are basically living recycling plants. Fungi, worms, and bacteria are all examples. The dead stuff they eat is called detritus, which means “garbage”.

Where are phytoplankton found?

Phytoplankton live in oceans, seas or lakes. Phytoplankton live at the top of the water column, as far down as the sunlight can penetrate.

Is phytoplankton in danger?

But even as hurricanes are increasing and intensifying, scientists say that phytoplankton is still in serious danger of dying out. Already, gradually warming ocean waters have killed off phytoplankton globally by a staggering 40 percent since 1950. But it’s not just phytoplankton death that’s concerning scientists.

What can kill phytoplankton?

Titanium Dioxide

What would happen if phytoplankton of an ocean is completely destroyed?

What would happen if phytoplankton of an ocean is completely destroyed for some reason? The ocean as a carbon sink would be adversely affected. The food chains in the ocean would be adversely affected. The density of ocean water would drastically decrease.

What would happen if there was no phytoplankton?

Plankton are also very important because they help make the air we breathe. If all the plankton disappeared it would increase the levels of carbon in our air, which would not only accelerate climate change, but also make it dificult for humans to breathe.

What is the purpose of phytoplankton?

Phytoplankton are mostly microscopic, single-celled photosynthetic organisms that live suspended in water. Like land plants, they take up carbon dioxide, make carbohydrates using light energy, and release oxygen.

What will happen if all the phytoplankton are eliminated from a pond?

Phytoplanktons are the small aquatic plants which are the producers in pond ecosystem. So it’s obvious that eliminating phytoplanktons from pond ecosystem will destroy the complete pond ecosystem, restricting the flow of energy in the ecosystem and no organism of pond ecosystem will be able to survive.

What will happen if all the animals are removed from a pond?

the environment ecosystem get disturbed and ultimately it will affect the food chain. because every organism has their own value in food chain. in energy pyramid the organism of pond ecosystem takes place at the Lowest level because it’s amount is large than the upper trophic levels.

What will happen if all the deer are removed from the forest?

If all the deer populations from the forest are removed , then there will be no sufficient food available to the tigers. Some of the tigers will die due to starvation and their population will decrease. Since the deer are herbivorous, there absence will increase the grassland area also.

What will happen if all the lions are removed from the above food chain?

If all the lions are removed from the above food chain, the population of deer will increase greatly, as there will be no lion to consume them as food. Also, the density of grass will decrease as the high population of deer will lead to excessive grazing of grass.

What happens if tigers vanish from our forests?

If tigers are to vanish from our forests then it will cause huge havoc in the ecological food chain where and the ecosystem, it would completely disrupt the food chain. EXPLANATION: There would be huge amount of animals in the forests that were eaten by the tigers in the first place.

What did the tiger do the dying deer?

The angry tiger jumped on him and killed him also. Another young deer was in the bag that the hunter was carrying.

Why do poachers kill tigers what will happen if tigers vanish from our forests?

Answer. Poachers kill tiger in order to sell the different substances obtained from it like it’s skin, teeth and so on. If tigers vanish from our forests , the ecological balance will get disturbed.

How do tigers affect the ecosystem?

Because tigers serve as apex predators, and the largest carnivore in their ecosystem, they control natural prey populations. This in turn controls primary producers (vegetation) eaten by tiger prey. This connection to the food web is essential, underscoring the importance of tiger conservation.

Why is the Malayan tiger important?

Malayan tiger is valuable for people on the plantations because it keeps number of wild boars under control (wild boars reduce yield of commercially important crops). Malayan tiger is the apex predator. The only natural enemies of Malayan tigers are humans. Malayan tiger is solitary animal.

Do tigers like humans?

Tigers are typically wary of humans and usually show no preference for human meat. Although humans are relatively easy prey, they are not a desired source of food. Thus, most man-eating tigers are old, infirm, or have missing teeth, and choose human victims out of desperation.