

What has a foot but cant walk?

What has a foot but cant walk?

A yard stick. It has two feet but can’t walk.

What has legs but doesn’t walk answer?

Answer: An Armchair. Legs But Walk Not Riddle Meme with riddle and answer page link.

What has feet and legs but nothing else?

What has feet but no legs? A snail or a measuring device (like a yard stick or tape measure). A snail’s foot is a muscle that allows it to move, and measuring devices have feet on them to measure distance.

What has three feet and no toes?


What has three feet and no head?

What has three feet but no head? A yard stick (it’s 3 feet long). A yard stick (it’s 3 feet long).

What has three feet and no legs?


What has a bank with no money?

river bank

What has a teeth but no mouth?

Explanation: Saw have pointed tooth that helps them to dig the ground or other places but they do not have mouth through which they can speak anything.

What has teeth but no mouth in 3 words?

The crossword clue It has teeth but no mouth with 3 letters was last seen on the March 24, 2020. We think the likely answer to this clue is SAW….It Has Teeth But No Mouth Crossword Clue.

Rank Word Clue
94% SAW It has teeth but no mouth
3% EPEE It has no cutting edge
3% TUSKS Elephant teeth
3% ISNT Has no reality

What has ears but Cannot hear?

Izzy: What has ears but can’t hear? Pedro: What? Izzy: Corn.

What is full of holes but still holds water?

So, what is full of holes but still holds water? The answer is a sponge! This one’s actually a bit of a classic but with so many riddles back in the limelight, we’re hardly surprised to see it return.

What question can u never answer yes to?

What question can you never honestly answer yes to? Are you asleep? (or dead, or conscious, or being silent). Are you asleep? (or dead, or conscious, or being silent).

What Cannot be used until it is broken?

What am I?” The answer, of course, is an egg. A simple egg holds such profound truth!

What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?

The answer for What is easy to get into, but hard to get out of? Riddle is “Trouble.”

Is easy but keeping one is difficult?

Answer: it is easy to make promises but hard to keep them. “

What has no life but can still die?

What is the answer to I Have No Life But I Can Die? Battery. A dead battery is referred to as a discharged battery.

What has 13 hearts but no organs?

The right answer to ‘What has 13 hearts, but no other organ’ Riddle is “A Deck of Cards”.

What has a face but no eyes hands but no arms?

I have a face but no eyes, hands but no arms. What am I? Answer: A clock.

What is in bed but never sleeps?

The answer to the riddle “What has a bed but never sleeps and runs but never walks?” is a river.. but could also be a truck. Not a Ford truck. They never run.

What have mouth but never eat?

Riddle: What always runs but never walks, often murmurs, never talks, has a bed but never sleeps, has a mouth but never eats? Answer: A river.

What goes forward never backwards?

The answer to the riddle is Stairs. Stairs go up and down at the same time but don’t move Firm, but not moving.

What gets bigger when more is taken away?

Riddle #02- The More You Take Away – The bigger I get. What am I? ANSWER: A hole (or a debt).

What has a neck but no head a body but no arms a bottom but no legs?

The answer to the “who is that with a neck and no head” riddle is “a shirt”.