

What is a word with 3 syllable?

What is a word with 3 syllable?

3 syllable Words. A list of words that contain 3 syllables….3 syllable Words.

abandon abolish absolute
achievement acknowledge activate
addition adjustment admission
advantage adventure advertise
adviser advocate afternoon

What is the shortest 3 syllable word?


What is a 3 syllable adjective?

Form the comparative and superlative forms of a one-syllable adjective by adding –er for the comparative form and –est for the superlative. For adjectives with three syllables or more, you form the comparative with more and the superlative with most.

What are some adjectives with 3 syllables each?

Adjectives and 3 Syllables

Word Length Syllables
Important 9 3
Feminine 8 3
Masculine 9 3
Dangerous 9 3

How many syllables is beautiful?

Wondering why beautiful is 3 syllables?

How many syllables are in chocolate?

Wondering why chocolate is 3 syllables?

Does chocolate have 2 syllables?

Choc-late, choc-o-late. There are many words in English with first syllable stress that can be pronounced with either 2 or 3 syllables, I tend to pronounce them with 2. Chocolate. Chocolate, DA-da.

How many syllables is dog?

Wondering why dog is 1 syllable?

How many syllables does puppy have?

Wondering why puppy is 2 syllables?

How many syllables are in my?

Wondering why my is 1 syllable?

How many syllables are in happy?

2 syllables

How many syllables does pizza have?

Wondering why pizza is 2 syllables?

How many syllables are in Lion?

Wondering why lion is 2 syllables?

How many syllables are in broccoli?

Wondering why broccoli is 3 syllables? Contact Us!

How many syllables is yummy?

How many syllables does tummy have?

How many syllables are in food?

Wondering why food is 1 syllable?