

What is the antagonist in the pedestrian?

What is the antagonist in the pedestrian?

Protagonist/Antagonist The antagonist is the police car because he prevents Leonard from walking as he believes that he is mentally ill.

What is the conflict in the pedestrian?

In “The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury, Leonard Mead finds himself in conflict with his society because he fails to conform to societal expectations. Most significantly, Leonard Mead prefers the natural world to technological advancements, and this makes him an object of suspicion.

Is the pedestrian Man vs Man?

The Conflict in the short story “The Pedestrian” by Ray Bradbury is Man Vs. Society and Man Vs. technology.

Who is Mr Mead in the pedestrian?

Mr. Leonard Mead is a lone pedestrian, a man who walks the streets in the year 2053, a time when walking outside on the sidewalks is considered an unusual activity.

Why did Mead stop walking?

One of the two robot police cars left in the city stops Leonard Mead walking the city streets because his behavior is suspicious. No one walks at night in this society because they are locked up in their homes watching hundreds of channels on television.

What is a metaphor in the pedestrian?

Metaphor (needle thrust through chest). Suggests that he is physically restrained by the police car. “He was alone in this world or 2053 A.D; or as good as alone” Repetition (alone).

What does the police car represent in the pedestrian?

Representing swift and unforgiving state power to enforce social conformity, the car possesses the absolute authority to incarcerate Mead, as happens at the story’s conclusion. The car’s harsh tone and its inhumanity reinforce the theme of dehumanization in the story.

Why are there only police cars in the pedestrian?

c) There is no one in the police car because it has been programmed to replace a human being. Bradbury is continuing to show the effects of technology in society.

What does buckling mean in the pedestrian?

The “buckling concrete walk” foreshadows that this future society does not go outside much, if at all, and thus does not have any need for maintaining their walkways/streets.

What is the theme of the pedestrian?

Ray Bradbury was clearly prescient about some of the looming problems of the future. His theme in “The Pedestrian” is that a society in which technology dominates lives leads to conformity, lack of imagination, and individualism.

What does Leonard miss in the pedestrian?

Leonard seems to miss human interaction and running into strangers on walks.

Where does the police car take Leonard Mead at the end of the pedestrian?

the Psychiatric Center for Research

What does Mr Leonard Mead most love to do in the story the pedestrian?

Leonard Weed most dearly loved to do. The fact that walking in the city at night was what Leonard Mead most dearly loved to do seems to foreshadow the probability that he will be deprived of this one pleasure by some impending event.

What questions does the voice in the police car ask Mr Mead?

How many years has Leonard Mead been walking as he does? How many people live in the city? How many police cars are there? Where is Mead on his way to when he is stopped by the police car?

What is a regressive tendency?

1 : tending to regress or produce regression. 2 : being, characterized by, or developing in the course of an evolutionary process involving increasing simplification of bodily structure. 3 : decreasing in rate as the base increases a regressive tax.