

What is the Mac version of PowerPoint?

What is the Mac version of PowerPoint?

1. Apple Keynote. Keynote comes pre-installed on Mac computers and is basically Apple’s answer to the ever popular Microsoft PowerPoint.

Can you run PowerPoint on a Mac?

You can download Microsoft PowerPoint on your Mac computer in the App Store. You need to have a Microsoft Office 365 trial or subscription in order to use PowerPoint on your computer.

Is PowerPoint different on Mac?

PowerPoint works well on Apple computers, enabling Mac users to create world class presentations quickly and easily. But if you’re accustomed to creating your PowerPoint slides on a PC, you’ll notice a few differences the first time you attempt the same feat on a Mac. It’s still PowerPoint, but not as you know it.

What are the disadvantages of presentations?

The disadvantages of presentations include: the message is only heard once at the pace of delivery set by the speaker; some people may be unable to attend; and the effectiveness relies very much on the ability of the speaker.

What are pros and cons?

phrase. The pros and cons of something are its advantages and disadvantages, which you consider carefully so that you can make a sensible decision.

What is full form of pros and cons?

The phrase ‘pros and cons’ is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase pro et contra, ‘for and against’, and has been in use in the abbreviated form since the 16th century, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. The much longer alternative is the phrase ‘arguments for and against’.

How do you write pros and cons?

When you’re writing a pros and cons essay, you must follow two important guidelines.

  1. Choose a debatable topic.
  2. Give equal weight to both the pros and the cons.
  3. Research your topic.
  4. Brainstorm a pros and cons list.
  5. Organize your thoughts into an outline.
  6. Write a great introductory paragraph.

How do you make an effective pros and cons?

First, write the decision you have to make at the top of a sheet of paper. Next, divide it in half vertically, and label one side “Pros” and the other “Cons.” Then, list all of the possible positive consequences of the decision in the pros column, and all the negative effects in the cons column.

What is a pros and cons list called?

A pros and cons list is a chart that helps you make a decision. On the pros side of the list, you add all of the positive outcomes of a decision. On the cons side, you add all of the adverse outcomes.

What is a pros and cons chart?

A pros and cons list is a simple but powerful decision-making tool used to help understand both sides of an argument. By listing the advantages and disadvantages of each choice, you build an objective decision-making process unswayed by bias or emotion.

What are the pros and cons of using ICT?


  • It is fast and easier.
  • No paper is wasted.
  • The messages can be stored in the device for longer times, without being damaged, unlike paper files that easily get damages or attacked by insects.
  • Digital communication can be done over large distances through internet and other things.

What are the disadvantages of advocacy?

You’ll be more restricted in what you can do. Certain tactics your group might follow, or positions that your group might ordinarily take, may not be agreed on by other members of your collaboration. In-fighting between parties may emerge, and few things could be more damaging to a cause.