

What is the most populated place in the UK?

What is the most populated place in the UK?


What percentage of the UK population lives in the South East?

Almost a third of the population lives in England’s southeast, which is predominantly urban and suburban, with about 9,000,000 in the capital city, London, whose population density is just over 5,200 per square kilometre (13,468 per sq mi).

What is the biggest region in the UK?

England. England is the largest of the four geographical regions making up the United Kingdom. It is bordered by Scotland to the north and Wales to the west and it has coastlines along Celtic, North and Irish Seas and the English Channel.

What percentage of the UK live in London?


What is a good salary in London?

A person working in London typically earns around 86,400 GBP per year. Salaries range from 21,900 GBP (lowest average) to 386,000 GBP (highest average, actual maximum salary is higher). This is the average yearly salary including housing, transport, and other benefits.

Why is NYC so dirty?

The city does tend to accumulate dust and grime due to the amount of cars and the canyon-like skyscrapers. If you think NYC is dirty becaus the buildings look grimy, then I’m sure you’ll just have to manage your expectations.

Why does NYC smell bad?

When the heat and humidity get more intense in the summer, so does the smell. The city is usually warmer because of pollution, which causes a greenhouse effect and allows bacteria to grow faster and also contributes to the smell.

Is London or New York more expensive?

If you’re cabbing it, you’ll also pay more in London. It may be cheaper to get around in New York, but housing will cost you significantly more. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in New York is $2,698. In London, it’s $2,003.

What salary do you need to live in NYC?

roughly $40,000 per year

Is London more powerful than New York?

New York’s greater metro area is substantially larger, with roughly 22 million people to London’s 14 million. And New York is economically more powerful, ranking second only to Tokyo, with London third, in the Economic Power Index I published here last fall.

How many Americans live in the UK?

According to the 2011 UK Census, there were 173,470 US-born residents in England, 3,715 in Wales, 15,919 in Scotland and 4,251 in Northern Ireland. The Office for National Statistics estimates that 197,000 US-born immigrants were resident in the UK in 2013.

What American city is most like Paris?

Washington, DC has some similarities with Paris in the layout of the city, both cities have lots of government buildings as they are both capitals, and both cities have a tall monument that is the focal point of the city. Montreal resembles Paris for cultural reasons as Montreal is heavily influence by Paris.

Which US state is most like Germany?

Wisconsin, which has a lot of terrain nearly indistinguishable from the Mittelgebirge belt that runs across central Germany and forms the bulk of Germany’s topography. The climate is fairly similar, too, though it’s definitely more extreme in Wisconsin.

What country is most like Germany?

Top 10 Places Most Similar to Germany

  • Austria is another German-speaking country to its south.
  • Netherlands is also also very similar to Germany.
  • Belgium is another country that was originally part of the Holy Roman Empire.

Which country is most like California?

What countries are similar to California? California is very similar to parts of Chile and Morroco, climate wise.

Where did most Germans settle in the US?

The largest settlements of Germans were in New York City, Baltimore, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Milwaukee. With the vast numbers of German and Irish coming to America, hostility to them erupted.

What was Germany called in 1740?

Soon the whole realm was called Prussia. However, at first, Prussia was an economically backward area. It only rose to greatness under Frederick II ‘The Great’, who became king in 1740. Frederick had a very large army and he was a capable general, which allowed him to fight successful wars.

Why are there so many Irish in America?

Pushed out of Ireland by religious conflicts, lack of political autonomy and dire economic conditions, these immigrants, who were often called “Scotch-Irish,” were pulled to America by the promise of land ownership and greater religious freedom. Many Scotch-Irish immigrants were educated, skilled workers.

Why is Germany called Alemania in Spanish?

The reason why German is most likely called Alemania in Spanish and Allemagne in French is due to the Alemanni tribes of Germany that were one of the largest cultural groups of the region in the late period of the Roman Empire and early era of the Medieval Period.