

What is the science behind paper helicopters?

What is the science behind paper helicopters?

As you let go of the helicopter, gravity pulls it toward the ground. Air resistance pushes up on the helicopter as it falls. The air pushing on the wings of the helicopter makes it spin. This is a recommended post-visit activity for a field trip to Science World.

What makes a Rotocopter fall slower?

Example: After conducting research you decide that longer wings will make the rotocopter fall slower. Plan and conduct an experiment with roto-copters that have wings of different lengths. Remember: Do not change anything except the wing length in each design. All other factors remain constant.

Why do you think the spinning rotor motor slows down the fall of the paper and produces lift?

As the paper models fall they will spin, imitating the rotation of the rotor blades of a helicopter. Because there is no thrust to produce upward movement, the helicopter will not fly upward, but the spin will reduce the rate of fall by producing lift, resisting the force of gravity.

Why does a paper copter fall?

Why does the Roto-Copter spin? When the Roto-Copter falls, air pushes up against the blades, bending them up just a little. When air pushes upward on the slanted blade, some of that thrust becomes a sideways, or horizontal, push. Next time you drop your copter, notice which direction it spins as it falls.

How do you make a whirlybird fall slower?

Flipping the wings causes them to spin in the opposite direction. The longer the wings, the slower the drop because of the uplift on the greater wing area. The more paperclips, the fast the drop and spin, because of the greater weight.

How does weight affect a paper helicopter?

Gravity is the force pulling the paper helicopter to the ground. In doing so they create lift which helps to keep the helicopter in the air. The direction the blades are bent in will affect whether it spins clockwise or anti-clockwise. Adding more weight (paperclips) will make the helicopter fall faster.

How do you make a paper helicopter go faster?

Try switching the direction of the folds for blades A & B. Make note of the direction the helicopter spins this time. Weight affects how quickly the helicopter spins, try adding additional paper clips and watch how the helicopter spins faster!

Does propeller shape affect a paper helicopter speed?

In this science experiment, kids make paper helicopters and explore the principles of flight. Simple explanation: Wind speed and wing shape affect how a helicopter flies. The only way helicopters and airplanes can fly is if the upward force of lift is greater than the downward force of gravity.

What factors affect the flight time of a paper helicopter?

Test factors that influence the flight time are: paper type, rotor length, leg length, leg w levels are varied by using two different types and adding or removing a paper clip.

DOEs the length of rotors affect the flight time of a paper helicopter?

The main effects plot shows we have longer flight times with the paper clip off, and longer rotor length. The interaction plot shows the interactions between the factors. This interaction tells us about these two factors. With heavy paper, leg length DOEs not matter much.

What is Bonita’s hypothesis?

What is Bonita’s hypothesis? If additional paperclips are added to the helicopter, then the helicopter will be stabilized resulting in a longer flight time.

What is a Robocopter?

A robocopter is a paper construction that spins as it falls when it is dropped from a height. Your task is to make a robocopter and then investigate how changing one variable or factor affects the time that it takes to fall.

How do you make a paper helicopter fall slower?

In this position, the air under one blade is pushing one way and the air under the other blade is pushing the opposite way. These two forces of air push the blades around and make it spin. The faster the blades spin, the less the air can get by, and the slower the helicopter falls.

What is a paper whirlybird?

In this activity you will build a simple paper helicopter called a “whirlybird.” Unlike a real helicopter, the whirlybird does not have a motor to make its blades spin. Due to its special shape, however, the blades will still spin as it falls. This generates additional lift that slows the whirlybird even as it drops.

Why do whirlybirds spin?

Whirlybirds are cylindrical domes with fins that spin in the wind to create a vacuum, sucking up warm air in a roof cavity. The spinning action of the roof turbine vents draws the air from the attic and the vents keep the attic cooler. …

Where do whirlybirds come from?

They’re seeds from a maple tree, and if you have one in your yard, then you know that late spring is gutter-cleanin’ time. It’s also garden-cleanin’ time. I learned the hard way not to fix up the front landscaping until the whirlybirds fall, or I’ll be digging out tiny maple trees for weeks.

What kind of trees have whirlybirds?

The fruits of maple trees (Acer spp.) are called samaras, but kids of all ages call them helicopters. Each seed has its own little “wings” that allow it to spiral downward and plant itself in the soil below.

How do you make twirly whirly?

  1. Slip the string through two holes of the button.
  2. Tie the ends of the string together.
  3. Cut a 2 3/4-inch circle out of cardboard.
  4. Cut the cardboard circle into the shape of a star.
  5. Slip the string through the two holes and tie the ends together.
  6. Punch or cut four circles from the cardboard.