

What three points are collinear?

What three points are collinear?

Three or more points that lie on the same line are collinear points . Example : The points A , B and C lie on the line m . They are collinear.

Are collinear points always coplanar?

Points, lines, or shapes are non-coplanar if they do not lie in the same plane. Collinear points lie on the same line. If points are collinear, they are also coplanar. However, coplanar points are not necessarily collinear.

What is the least number of points needed to form a line?

two points

What is the minimum number of points required to determine a unique circle?


What is the minimum number of non-collinear points required to determine a unique circle?


What is the minimum number of points you must take to draw an arc?

The answer is 1, 2 and 3 points. Given 1 point one can draw infinite circles of infinite radius and with infinite centers.

How many parameters are required to draw the circle?

WHAT IS A CIRCLE? A circle has four key parameters: radius, diameter, circumference and area.

What is required to draw a circle?

A circle is defined by any three non-collinear points. X Research source. This means that, given any three points that are not on the same line, you can draw a circle that passes through them. It is possible to construct this circle using only a compass and straightedge.

How many circles can pass through a given point?

Starting from the two points as a diameter, we can draw a circle. As the circle is moving up it becomes a chord to the next circle with a bigger diameter. In such a way, we can draw an infinite number of circles passing through two points. Therefore, Infinitely many circles can be drawn through two given points.

Can we draw a chord of 11 cm in the circle of radius 5 cm?

Answer: Diameter is the longest chord of a circle. And as 11 cm is more than 10 cm (diameter), we cannot draw a chord of 11 cm in the circle of radius 5 cm.

What is the length of longest chord of the circle with radius 2.9 cm?

∴ Length of the longest chord of the circle is 5. 8cm.

How many common tangents can be drawn to two circles touching each other externally?

3 common tangents