When a Patient dies
The other day a Patient died, suddenly and unexpected for me in my early service. For five days, I had cared for him. I asked him a day after his, provided him with the prescribed infusions and medications. In addition to perform nursing activities, we talked about Everyday things and through his many years of medical history (more private Details I may for the protection of the patient and data from legal reasons not to call). In daily contact on a professional level based on the relationship built between the patient and me. As ill – health nurse, I know after a short time the habits of the patients that I take care of. That for me is part of my job.
As the Patient was found, were immediately re-introduced stimulus measures. In a very short time, the resuscitation appeared to be the team of the intensive care unit. Despite intensive efforts, the Patient could not be brought back to life.
Dealing with dark thoughts was familiar with
For me, it was the first rescue. Of course I know that people die. And of course you do also in a hospital. In my profession as a medical and health nurse, I experienced this in my former Department in psychosomatic medicine. Patients talk about thoughts of death. Sometimes you feel so helpless and hopeless that the thought of death is the only solution. You are talking about and can relieve in their Distress a little. Dealing with this kind of dark thoughts to me professionally familiar. Because I feel safe and competent. In the case of acute suicidality in a patient, where words of comfort and common to Endure the Situation no longer sufficient, uses a closely-knitted network, which keeps the patients safe and self-protecting.
Death came like a bolt of lightning
The proximity to death was the day the Patient died. The death came as a shot like a flash around the corner and handle greedy for life. I was emotionally unprepared, on this day, on this event in this patient. So I was first confronted with a Situation that I previously only knew from the theory, from the resuscitation teaching. The head and the hands worked and did what they had practiced very often and repeatedly. The resuscitation team, intensive care, arrived very quickly, took over the management of the Situation and distributed the tasks to the present health and public health nurse. Everything was frantic, but focused atmosphere.
During the intense team working, more of the everyday life
The stationary part of the everyday life runs on such days. The phone is ringing, patients in other rooms, use the bell and call for the nursing staff. Patients who come to record, expect a competent, friendly, and quiet reception. I felt an inner balancing act: to leave the everyday life run and in the stationary parallel world to the intense team work.
The Patient died. And everyone in attendance was looking for an own way of dealing with the event. I was sad and needed a short Moment for me. Close your eyes. Inhalation. Exhale. Eyes open again and back in the action on the Station.
When people die in a hospital, there are a number of nursing and administrative activities that need to be done. In addition to the medical task, to notify the relatives, the Deceased by the nursing staff in mindfulness performed last full-body treatment and other nursing interventions.
Can you push such an experience aside?
For me, it was a deeply impressive experience. And I wonder how people deal with it, which are often faced by your activity. Can push just aside? I asked need for the day every colleagues after his talk and offered my support in the processing. In the process, I realized that different mechanisms operate in the different personalities and protect.
I fell hard for these the appropriate words Blog to find, although there is a great need to report it and to share it with others. It is a piece of hospital everyday life that touches people in your profession as a doctor and health and health carers emotional and inner conflict calls for.
Photo: Fotolia / Romolo Tavani