

Which hormones are most commonly produced in excess with Hyperpituitarism?

Which hormones are most commonly produced in excess with Hyperpituitarism?

Hyperpituitarism (Pituitary Gigantism, Acromegaly) Hyperpituitarism is a rare condition caused by an excessive production of the growth hormone, most often due to a secretory tumor (adenoma) resulting in extreme height and larger bones than normal.

Which drug acts as an abortifacient in female clients quizlet?

Which drug acts as an abortifacient in female clients? Mifepristone is an antiprogesterone that blocks the progesterone receptors and acts as an abortifacient. Metyrapone, cyproheptadine, and aminoglutethimide are used to treat hyperfunctioning of the adrenal glands (Cushing’s disease/syndrome).

Which gland does the nurse State is an exocrine gland quizlet?

Which gland does the nurse state is an exocrine gland? Exocrine glands are glands with ducts that produce enzymes but not hormones. These glands secrete enzymes into ducts. The salivary gland secreting saliva is an example of an exocrine gland.

Which hormone secretion does the nurse state is an example of a positive feedback mechanism?


Which hormone does the nurse state is formed from cholesterol quizlet?

Which hormone does the nurse state is formed from cholesterol? All lipid-soluble hormones are synthesized from cholesterol. Cortisol, a lipid-soluble hormone, is secreted by the adrenal cortex.

Which hormone does the nurse State has both inhibiting and releasing action quizlet?


Which physical symptoms would a client diagnosed with Cushing syndrome exhibit?

Signs and Symptoms Associated with Cushing’s Syndrome/Disease: Weight gain in face (moon face) Weight gain above the collar bone (supraclavicular fat pad) Weight gain on the back of neck (buffalo hump)

Which term should the nurse use in a report to describe the absence of menstrual periods in a 35 year old non pregnant client quizlet?

Which term should the nurse use in a report to describe the absence of menstrual periods in a 35-year-old non-pregnant client? The absence of menstrual periods in a non-pregnant client less than 55 years old is called amenorrhea.