

Which of the following could be sources of biological hazards?

Which of the following could be sources of biological hazards?

Sources of biological hazards may include bacteria, viruses, insects, plants, birds, animals, and humans. These sources can cause a variety of health effects ranging from skin irritation and allergies to infections (e.g., tuberculosis, AIDS), cancer and so on.

How can you prevent the rapid spread out of biological hazard in the workplace?

These include engineering controls such as containment laboratories and use of microbiological safety cabinets; management controls such as safe operating procedures, training, supervision; and the use of personal protective equipment such as laboratory coats, gloves, and spectacles.

What are the hazards in Salon?

Hazards/Risks in salon:

  • Slips: Water on floor, Cut hair on floor.
  • Electrical: Appliances falling into sinks of water, Touching switches with wet hands etc..
  • Chemical: Alergic reactions to shampoo, Colours and bleaches.

How can risk exposure be reduced?

Five Ways to Minimize Risk Exposure

  1. Stop looking for a silver bullet.
  2. Don’t forget risk acceptance.
  3. Use risk to enable business development.
  4. Consider risk transference.
  5. Improve existing controls before deploying new ones.

How do you calculate risk exposure?

To calculate risk exposure, analysts use this equation: (probability of risk occurring) X (total loss of risk occurrence) = risk exposure.

What are the major sources of risk?

Sources of Risk. There are five main sources of risk in an agricultural operation: production risk, marketing risk, financial risk, legal risk, and human resource risks. Although strategic planning is not listed as a resource category, it is critical to the overall success of any operation.

What are the primary sources of risk in a bank?

Major Risks for Banks

  • Major risks for banks include credit, operational, market, and liquidity risk.
  • Credit risk is the biggest risk for banks.
  • While banks cannot be fully protected from credit risk due to the nature of their business model, they can lower their exposure in several ways.

Which source of financing has the highest level of risk?

debt financing