

Which one of the following complexes can exhibit geometrical isomerism?

Which one of the following complexes can exhibit geometrical isomerism?

[P(C2H5)3]2] exhibits geometrical isomerism. It exists in cis and trans form.

Which of the following complex Cannot exhibit geometrical isomerism?

[Cu(en)2]+ complex can not exhibit geometrical isomerism because en is bidentate ligand.

Which of the following can form geometric isomers?

Solution : Only more than eight carbon cycloalkene shows geometrical isomerism.

Which of the following will exhibit geometrical isomerism coordination compounds?

Solution : Butene-2 exhibits geometrical (cis, trans) isomerism. Step by step solution by experts to help you in doubt clearance & scoring excellent marks in exams.

Which type of isomerism is not found in alkenes?

Metamerism is a special type of isomerism shown by secondary amines, ethers and ketones. Metamerism is not found in alkenes.

Which one of the following can exhibit both geometrical and optical isomerism?

Solution : Complex of the type [M(AA)2X2] or [M(AA)2XY] exhibit optical activity. [CoCl2(en)2]+ forms geometrical isomers ( cis and trans form) .

Which one of the following will not show geometrical isomerism?

Complete answer: Structure of cis & trans isomer of this compound is displayed as follow: -In option (C) 1,1 – Dichloropent – 1 – enecompound is given and it doesn’t show geometrical isomerism because they have the same groups attached to the one of the double bonded carbon atoms.

Which of the following can show optical isomerism?

2-hydroxypropanoic acid has a central carbon atom, which is linked to four different groups. This carbon atom is called chiral carbon atom and the molecule is called chiral molecule. Hence, 2-hydroxypropanoic acid shows optical isomerism.

Which of the following complexes show geometrical as well as optical isomerism?

[Pt(en)2Cl3] show geometrical as well as optical isomerism.

Is ma2b4 optically active?

No, they only exhibit geometrical (cis-trans) isomerism. The trans isomer has five such planes and hence it is also optically inactive.

Which one of the following compounds will exhibit linkage isomerism?

[Co(NH3)2NO2]Cl2 will exhibit linkage isomerism as it contains nitrite ligand which have the same composition differing with the connectivity of the metal to a ligand.It can bind from N as well as from O side.

Which one of the following is an outer orbital complex and exhibit paramagnetic Behaviour?

Which one of the following is an outer orbital complex and exhibits paramagnetic behaviour ? Solution : . 28Ni2+ in [Ni(NH3)6]2+ has 1s2,2s22p6,3s23p63d8 configuration.

What is the difference between inner and outer orbital complexes?

The main difference between inner and outer orbital complexes is that the hybridization of the atomic orbitals of the central metal atom of inner orbital complex involves inner shell d orbitals whereas the hybridization of the atomic orbitals of the central metal atom of outer orbital complex involves outermost shell d …

Which has the highest paramagnetism?

So as explained above the highest number of the unpaired electron is (n=4) for Fe[(H2O)62+], hence it shows the highest paramagnetism.

Which is more paramagnetic Fe2+ or Fe3+?

In Fe3+ all the electrons re unpaired while in Fe2+ 4 electrons are unpaired. A paramagnetic behaviour is arise from the number of unpaired electrons. So, Fe3+ is more paramagnetic than Fe. Fe 3+ is more paramagnetic because it has 5 unpaired electrons.

How many unpaired electrons are present in cu2+ Fe2+ and cr3+?

Answer. has one unpaired electron and paramagnetic nature .

Which element from lanthanide series has maximum magnetic moment?


Why spectral lines of lanthanides are sharp?

The 4f electrons of lanthanides yield three types of transitions: (i) Internal 4f-4f transitions which give rise to sharp, narrow bands of comparatively weak intensities which are Laporte forbidden.