Which public health service organization is responsible for monitoring organizational compliance with PHS Policy?
Which public health service organization is responsible for monitoring organizational compliance with PHS Policy?
The Office for Protection from Research Risks (OPRR) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) develops, implements, and oversees compliance with the Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (PHS Policy) (PHS, 1986).
Which of the following organizations must comply with the PHS Policy?
Which of the following organizations must comply with the PHS Policy when utilizing vertebrate animals for research, teaching, or testing? Receipt of PHS funds requires compliance with the PHS Policy for the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and the Guide.
Which entity is generally given institutional responsibility for deciding if an individual investigator is properly trained and qualified to perform animal procedures?
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
What is the primary responsibility of oversight bodies such as an IRB or Iacuc?
To determine compliance with regulatory requirements, including those relating to protecting research subjects. The primary responsibility of oversight bodies (such as an IRB or IACUC) is to assess legal-regulatory compliance, and if applicable, to protect research subjects.
Which entity is responsible for monitoring institutional compliance?
Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
What is the main function of a technology transfer office?
Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) manage and protect the intellectual property of a scientific organization such as a university or research organization. The TTOs facilitate commercialization of intellectual property gathered by research-based results through licensing, patenting or management of spin-off creations.
Which of the following examples is the most likely to be considered an institutional conflict of interest?
Which of the following examples is the most likely to be considered an institutional conflict of interest? A senior official serving on a board of a company that donates to the institution.
Which is an example of a situation where deferential vulnerability?
It is more evident in western society for individuals who make their own decisions about medical treatments, as compared to non-western societies. “A physician recruiting his patients is an example of deferential Vulnerability” as the doctors usually consider at a higher social level than patients.
Which statement most accurately describes a conflict of conscience?
It occurs when outside activities interfere with one’s responsibilities to an employer. Which statement most accurately describes a conflict of conscience? It occurs when an individual’s personal beliefs could affect the performance or outcome of research.
What is a conflict of commitment?
A Conflict of Commitment refers to a situation where an individual engages in external activities, either paid or unpaid, that interferes with his/her primary obligation and commitment to the University.
What is an apparent conflict of interest?
An apparent conflict exists when a reasonable person would conclude from the circumstances that the employee’s ability to protect the public interest, or perform public duties, is compromised by a personal, financial, or business interest. …
Which of the following is the most effective strategy for preventing research misconduct?
good mentoring
Which of the following is considered research misconduct?
Federal regulations define research misconduct as: “… fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, or other practices that seriously deviate from those that are commonly accepted within the scientific community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research.”
How can research misconduct be prevented?
Strategies to Support Research Integrity
- Ensure policies governing academic research not only are in place, but are followed.
- Set standards for supervision of all testing.
- Enforce expectations for process rigor.
- Communicate expectations for accurate accounting of time spent on research activities.
Who probably owns the research data resulting from a project funded by a company?
The findings of research that is funded by public or private bodies through a university are generally owned by the university but may have to be shared with the funding body or made public. The findings of industrial or for-profit research is generally owned by the company and tightly controlled.
Who owns the data in an organization?
In most cases, corporate data probably belongs to the company, and thus, the company is the owner. Each department within an organization ought to be the custodian of the data it generates and uses to conduct its business.
Who is most likely to own the data resulting from a research project?
1 Answer. The organization that receives federal funding for a project. The organization that receives a federally-funded grant can typically claim ownership of the data from the project.
Why is there a need to carefully plan your research design?
It is critical that you develop a thorough plan to ensure that your research participants are not unduly harmed physically, psychologically (e.g. too much stress) or socially (e.g. reputational harm caused by a violation of confidentiality).
How important is the research title?
The title is the part of a paper that is read the most, and it is usually read first. It is, therefore, the most important element that defines the research study. With this in mind, avoid the following when creating a title: A good title should provide information about the focus and/or scope of your research study.
What are the steps in developing conceptual framework?
4 Steps on How to Make the Conceptual Framework
- Choose your topic. Decide on what will be your research topic.
- Do a literature review. Review relevant and updated research on the theme that you decide to work on after scrutiny of the issue at hand.
- Isolate the important variables.
- Generate the conceptual framework.