

Which type of galaxy is a spherical cluster?

Which type of galaxy is a spherical cluster?

Spiral galaxies

Which galaxy has a nucleus of bright stars?

Spiral galaxies Spirals

Which spiral arm is Earth in?

Orion Arm

How do you classify a spiral galaxy?

Spiral galaxies are classified as Sa/SBa, Sb/SBb or Sc/SBc (classic/barred) according to the tightness of their spiral, the clumpiness of their spiral arms, and the size of their central bulge. These differences can be traced back to the relative amounts of gas and dust contained within the galaxies.

Is space really colorful?

Space emits a range of wavelengths of light, some we can see others we can’t. However it doesn’t record any color but it has got filters which enable it to capture only a certain required wavelength of light.

What is the darkest thing in the universe?

Black holes are the darkest things in our universe because they emit no light whatsoever in any wavelength.

Can you see the Milky Way in Joshua Tree?

Yes! Joshua Tree is an amazing place to see the Milky Way. It’s easiest to see the Milky Way in Joshua Tree National Park in the summer.

What is the best time of night to stargaze?

The best time to go stargazing is the days before, during and soon after each new moon. During this time the moon is not visible in the sky and therefore does not wash out the light from fainter stars. You will be able to see thousands of stars with just your naked eye compared to a few hundred at other times.

Can you sleep in your car at Joshua Tree?

No, when visiting Joshua Tree, it’s best that you do not plan on sleeping in your car. Sleeping in your vehicle overnight within the National Park is not allowed. If found, you could be subject to a citation, so it’s best to avoid the situation altogether.

What is the best time to go to Joshua Tree?

The best time to visit Joshua Tree National Park is March to May and October to November. Though the park is open year-round, temperatures are most comfortable in the spring and fall, with an average high of about 85 degrees.