

Who is in need of care, within the meaning of the nursing care insurance law?

Anyone who is in need of care, within the meaning of the nursing care insurance law?

In terms of the care insurance act, persons are in need of nursing, which are impaired in self-employment or in their abilities. In six relevant areas of life, it is checked whether a capability is still available and whether the associated activities can independently be predominantly carried out independently, mainly dependent or only dependent. In the evaluation of the six are weighted in different areas. That is, for the individual areas of life are assigned different points and in the overall assessment.

Wer ist pflegebedürftig im Sinne des Pflegeversicherungsgesetzes?

In need of care – the degree of dependency determine

In relation to the six areas of life according to a set evaluation method and a care in a professionally substantiated assessment be allocated to the individual areas of different points. On the basis of the number of points achieved from all areas of the Care level is determined. In comparison with the “old” review process, people are participating now, not “just” physical limitations.

by Adriano Pierobon, Gerontologist (FH), MBAIn GeneralTagged inspection MDKPflegebedürftigPflegegradPflegeversicherung