

Work, where life begins


Today I would like to give you an insight in our obstetrics Department in the perinatal centre, Altona (PNZ). For there, too, care. All of my information for this blog post, I got first-Hand from our experts, the Senior midwife Gesine Grabichler and the nursing Director of the week station, Betty Groth.

To 3,200 births in a year

In the past year, our PNZ Team has supported more than 3,200 children on the way to life. In the PNZ treat and care for Pregnant women, midwives, and nurses, mothers and newborns. You can already tell – this is a diverse area of work. Our PNZ is located on the grounds of the Asklepios Klinik Altona is a small self-contained area in a separate building, entirely detached from the large, multi-storey main house.

Children’s doctors are ready for premature births

But as the work in the PNZ? Gesine and Betty in front of you. We start with the Pregnant women: We are a PNZ Level 1. This means that all preterm infants receive a secure Start in life. Directly to our PNZ the Altona children’s hospital is connected. Already with the announcement of a premature birth, we ensure the supply, in close cooperation with the children’s hospital. The pediatricians work directly with us in the PNZ: you are in a room next to the delivery room or the operating theatre of Europe. If it is necessary, to be passed on to the newborn immediately after birth for the study across the way. Through the cooperation with the children’s hospital, two large advantages. One can be guaranteed to be in difficult situations, an immediate examination of the newborn by a pediatrician. On the other, must be made in the case of a complication, no separation of mother and child by the laying of the child in a children’s hospital. The intensive care of mother and child takes place under the best medical conditions, to continue in our PNZ.

Integrated on a Station in the Natal area (prenatal = are before confinement) and the week’s stop on our PNZ. Here the mothers are together with the Babies – and, if desired, also with the fathers in a family room accommodated. The nurses, midwives, Doctors, the anesthesia and surgical Team, as well as the physiotherapists work closely together.

Outpatient clinic for Pregnant women

In our clinic, women of 22 are in the PNZ. Pregnancy week powered. It is the premature birth, the beginning is monitored, or the other way around in the case of Mature children, birth to be initiated. Sometimes the help is so fast is necessary that Pregnant women are also brought directly from the investigation room in the OP. Then it only takes seconds, and all stand ready to save lives.

This broad professional spectrum, of course, requires in-depth knowledge. Midwives work with us in the PNZ in almost all areas, the professional has to offer. You care to Pregnant women and high-Risk pregnancies at the Station in the präntalen area. You are in the delivery room, and postpartum care. The ambulance is a popular and varied field of work.

On the ward, our nurses work closely with our midwives. You take care of the mother and the child, and are at all the big and small questions with advice and act to the side.

No day like the other

Often it is in the PNZ high, because obstetrics is not predictable. So it already happened that a Baby came in one of the labor rooms to the world. Don’t worry, it all went well, and mother and child are doing well.

No Pregnant woman in sight is added to (the comes rather rarely) and other Times all of a sudden at the same time. The requires of each a high degree of flexibility and competence. But Betty and Gesine say, just do it: It is never boring and each day brings new Surprises that make the profession so exciting.


Come by and visit us. The staff of the PNZ are accustomed to many visitors and look forward to seeing you – and maybe even on Your application to the reinforcement of the great Teams in the PNZ!

Photo: Asklepios